
非模块化方式使用layui Entprenuership






Through the help from our instructors, we successfully found another 2020 iGEM team called counter sugar, who also studies diabetes. Since that team is located in Jiangsu province and we are in Shanghai, we communicated via phone.


Although we both studies diabetes, direction of our research is slightly different. Both of our teams are building screening platforms, but we are targeting transcription factor receptor 1 and receptor 2, respectively. From a technical point of view, from cell resuscitations to passage, to the detection of luciferase activity, these are all the same, but our plasmid construction is not the same. We also had discussions regarding our marketing products and promote each other’s articles on our WeChat account. We also had discussions on our experiments and design plans in the field of related diabetes and glycogen inhibition. We have learned a lot through cooperation and actually get inspired in our experiment. Since we have promoted each other on our WeChat channel, we have also attracted more followers to pay attention to our official account.




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