Team:GreatBay SCIE/Team


The Team

GreatBay_SCIE - a GREAT team. The team is from Shenzhen College of International Education (SCIE), and worked as hard as they can since then, from interpreting past iGEM projects, reviewing the literature, fitting in a small conference room, to working out the mathematic modeling and human practice ideas, wetlab-bing with their utmost care. The bonds between the team established gradually in this one-year project, and this page of the wiki is built for every one of them to express their thoughts and show the familiarity of their fellow team members: the "self"-introductions in this wiki page are written by the other team members - not the students themselves. These introductions are written by us to celebrate the one-year-long experience with each other, recollecting all the fun stuff that happened during the year, and showing every one of us to the readers of our wiki because every member shines in different ways.

"Apart from obtaining research experience and adding something proud to talk about in our college applications, iGEM has brought what I would call friends for life."


Bear Xiong

Brings smiles and laughter to the team

Hej! Mitt namn är Bear Xiong and I am from IKEA, Sweden. These high school kids rescued me from severe mushroom poisoning and left me in the lounge when they were Wetlabbing downstairs. I have no neck and Jacky once put his lab coat on me out of pity. There are other stuffed toys in the lounge including Elephant, Snake, Shark and Dog. Max is the owner of this noisy zoo. Now scroll down, check out my fellow animal friends and the zoo keepers!!

katherine photo

Katherine Wang

Wetlab / Modeling / HP

“We wouldn't last a day without her.”

Katherine is one of our team captains, and she basically has almost every characteristic a perfect leader pursues. She is responsible for Wetlab and modeling. Since she comes to the lab every day, she is, naturally, very familiar with our experiments. If you get a chance to take a peek in our lab, you would definitely hear people shouting, “Katherine, where is our selection buffer?” “Katherine, what's the next SELEX procedure?” “Katherine, can you explain this part of the protocol to me?” “Katherine-” Admit it, we couldn't have survived in the lab without our one and only Katherine.

Winnie He

Wetlab / HP / Artwork / Wiki

“All of us are jealous of her because she has both a bf and a CAT. You know, a CAT, for god's sake, a CAT! Everyone wants a cat.”

Winnie is one of our team captains. We would all instantly note her attractive presence whenever a wisp of her trademark wavy hair comes into sight. She always has good ideas for weekend activities for our team, and we tried new things very often with her lead. Some misunderstanding had arisen because "Winnie" sounded like "Wiki". Speaking of Wiki, Winnie did a great job in designing and drawing our wiki, and she is the best artist on the team. Being a senior that has already taken iGEM last year, she seldom is as excited about the daily experiments as the freshmen do though. However, she will keep being responsible for wetlab, HP, and Wiki this year. She was also our promotion video director.

Ginny Fan

Wetlab / HP


Ginny is one of our team captains, who resists her daily urge of ordering "unhealthy" bubble tea with the rest of the team. She is extremely against people dating in music rooms because she does not want her violin to observe those behaviors. Ginny is responsible for Human Practice, Wetlab, Wiki. You may find her giving lab cleaning advice in group chats, practicing Cantonese with Siri, or standing behind Wetlabbing teammates with an incomprehensible smile and a hungry stare. She makes lovely cookies and sings beautifully, but sometimes her voice is used for other, more disturbing purposes, for example yelling goofy things.

Adonie photo

Adonie Dong

Wetlab / HP

“Her English ranks second in the whole grade, if the first is our English teacher.”(no i don't deserve ---from Adonie herself.)

Adonie is one of our team captains. She was constantly bothered by people that can't properly pronounce her English name (the stress is on the first "A") but she's given up recently. She's responsible for Wiki construction and Human Practices, but she also dabbles in Wetlab and occasionally produces art for our Wiki and poster. Apart from life in the lab, you could spot her studying weird Psychology concepts, playing Minecraft with Max("Stop playing and do some realistic stuff, " said Ginny), or staring into the void with her headphones on.

Chloe photo

Chloe Ou

Wetlab / HP

"Our PI laughed so hard for she cut out the package paper to carry out the test instead of the actual nitrocellulose membrane."

Chloe is the sweetie of our team, who usually whispers softly and speaks at least 4 languages including cantonese(the most difficult language in the world) deftly. Her secret of keeping her sweetness is to order beverage every day, which provides her a sugar rush during essential experiments, and provide extra weight for other team members. Lab safety is her main concern for her companions are quite impulsive when it comes to giving the amatoxins a tasting test.


Max Chen

Wetlab / Design / Wiki / Modeling

"He told us the team that shared a lab with us had amazing results and freaked us all out, and turned out it was only his dream last night."

Max was the fastest runner in the world when Ginny shocked the whole team with the fact that there is a cockroach nearby. Max is a good mathematic modeler and a good wiki constructor though, and he can speak all the languages in the world. ("Actually only Mandarin, English, Spanish, French, and a tiny bit of German", he said) We could all feel his passion and academic enthusiasm whenever Max encounters a whiteboard - he would always start to furiously write down archaic organic mechanisms, physics and maths equations, and whatever other mysterious runes in existence. Max is the owner of our laboratory zoo, and it is a pity that you can't physically witness how he is surrounded by plenty of stuffed toys from IKEA.

Alex photo

Alex Wang

Wetlab / ECA Leader

“It takes a million years for him to produce a paper-cut, when struggling to decorate a tiny toolbox.“

Alex is one of the most handsome males in the whole team, although he is the only one that thinks so. One thing that earned Alex brag rights is that he added loading buffer instead of DNA marker to a gel. He has written protocols for our Wetlab. Alex often "steals" his teacher's guitar and tries to play it but always results in failure. He also enjoys playing video games with his friends in the lounge. Alex is responsible for Wetlab and Drylab, and is the bearer of a card-game curse because he is always the first one to lose. The rest of us lose in a clock-wise order when sitting around in a circle.


Roger Wang

Wetlab / HP

"Only taste the toxin if under a teacher's careful supervision!"

(Please do not worry, no one has ever tasted the toxins. This sentence was misheard by Jacky, and it was actually "only take the toxin if under a teacher's careful supervision")

Roger is the King of Food and scFv. Also, he is the Glove Gardener in the team, for he always leaves his used gloves on the bench and we sometimes suspect that he is an octopus. Jokes aside, Roger is a very diligent member who struggles with scFv and always rips SDS-PAGE gels apart, resulting in something that mildly resembles unearthed papyrus. It is still unclear why Roger did four gel electrophoresis experiments with absolutely no bands, and when someone else did with identical samples, the bands were bright and thick. Therefore, Jacky, Lambert and Roger altogether are known as the Electrophoresis Destruction team.

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Alice Zhen

Artwork / HP

"Fish! Kiss kiss."

Alice is one of the artists of our team - it's just she's not very good at it (we all know that isn't true). Alice claims that her art project has taken most of her hair, and iGEM would probably make her bald but - as you can see here, she has A LOT of sleek, beautiful hair. She often takes a lot of photos during her holiday journeys and post them on social media frequently. The captions she wrote were always meaningless emojis like🌊🌊🌏🐬🐳🐳🐠💦💦❄️. It seems stupid but she loves such things, it's unbelievable. Though she complains about her weight every day and determines to have salad as her daily food intake, the well-developed Chinese beverage industry undermines her claim every time.


Jacky Xu


"He can see through the cards when playing card games, so he always wins."

There is a curse in Jacky Xu. When he tries to make an agarose gel in the first few weeks of Wetlab, he runs into problems i.e. puncturing sample wells in gels, and it is still unclear why these problems arise. Though Jacky is cursed by the God of gels, he is blessed by the god of toxins - he is especially proficient in handling experiments with mushroom toxins. Also, Jacky is the author of the Bible of SELEX‌ —— a user-friendly SELEX guide which gave us tremendous help during the SELEX process. Jacky is very keen on threatening other team members ("We are going to fire you!"), but in the end, this particular phrase is adopted as a joke by everyone when, for example, someone didn't put the pipette back.


Jerry Xie

Wiki / ECA Leader

"Oh heck... Sure, whatever. Indeed."

Recent studies found that Jerry loves taking photos of beautiful scenery. After the original photo was taken, professional photoshopping will take him a thousand years and another million years will be added to the lot for him to come up with the perfect caption. Finally, after all the endurance and effort, the "Post" button is pressed and soon his WeChat feed will be filled with kudos. According to professional observations, Jerry is almost fluent in Japanese and he has applied his lingual skills in writing a Japanese-version of our ShroomSweeper user manual. Evidence is provided on the Hardware page.


Lambert Wang

Wetlab / HP / Video Editing

"Our collaboration with Lambert..."

Lambert can be a person or a team. He knows that his teammates are calling him when they say: "Speaking of Lambert..." In other cases they may refer to the team Lambert_GA who collaborated with our team. Lambert is especially "good" at adding samples to agarose gels, when you see mysterious reddish liquid floating out of the sample holes, you'll know its LaMbErT. Lambert is the video editor/camera man in our team, and we couldn't make such great videos without him.


Evangeline Liu


"We don’t know what she’s here for, but at the end of the day, god moves in a mysterious way."

It is such a miracle that she has brilliant wit for accurately spotting and grinding up the most essential pieces of agarose gel. Leaving others with no chance experiencing the ecstasy of nipping the gel into smithereens. She is a greedy perverted selfish apathetic cynical deprived morally bankrupt pupil and a frantic fan of Phoebe Waller Bridge’s, according to Evangeline herself. You can find Evan in the laboratory zoo. Evan is responsible for Human Practice, Wetlab, and she is also one of the great artists of our team.

All in all we love her.


Regina Ru


"I will order bubble tea for the whole team if I don't come to the lab tomorrow."

Regina is brilliant both at school and in iGEM, although maybe she hasn't realise yet ("And she has a parrot," said Ginny). She comes up with courageous ideas for our project such as enslaving cockroaches to kill mosquitoes. Regina is the bravest when it comes to horrifying escape room activities ("Everyone grab a skull and go!" "I'm taking off the skeleton's clothes." "I'm going in the coffin!"), while everyone else is super scared. Regina is also a great artist in the team (our team indeed has loads of artistic souls), and she loves logical-reasoning-based cardgames which she introduces to the whole team.


Mandy Liang

Artwork / HP

"I may not be the student who has the most interest for biology, but I enjoy being a part of this fantastic team.", she said.

She still regards that attending this IGEM was still quite surprising, as she could learn much helpful and exciting knowledge during the preparation process for IGEM. She still has many things that are not discovered in the lab. The waiting process for an experiment is always quite exhausting and long, but as the team got the correct and ideal numbers for the experiment, she is always indeed very delighted and thankful towards every mate in this team :-)


Yeqing Zong

Primary PI

"Guys, a bad thing happened!"

Well, you learn a lot from him, seriously, because what cannot be resolved on our bench goes to his, and that refers to almost everything, ranging from protein purification failure debug to unlocking the biosafety cabinet to get something like Tween20 or concentrated HCl. He is definitely the most gentle and warm man that you would ever meet in your entire life, even that's so, he still sometimes gets overloaded by the mistakes we make. Anyway, it is truly impossible for you to fabricate an excuse to not be grateful for what he had done to GreatBay_SCIE. We hope he has better sleeping quality in the future.


Yiming Dong


"So brutal!"

This is the 7th time she has participated in the iGEM competition. This year, she is more mature (sand sculpture), more powerful (running off track), and more calm (push). In fact, what she most wants to say is "This year, in the graduation season, she is very lucky to meet such a group of outstanding, active and enthusiastic students." Ask her to write a self-introduction, and she said "Ok, right now." Then turned around and changed other documents. She is a very passionate person for life and competition (urging), although sometimes she is very strict, she cares about our projects, competitions and life (very gossip), she enjoys the time fighting side by side with the team, also likes to take us to team building.