
The Legend of Cellda
We may did not reach all the goals, we have set at the beginning of our project. Nevertheless, we reached several milestones, which result in the achievements, that can be found below. As the final result of the iGEM competition, we received a gold medal.
  • We present our project in our project description and project promotion video, which we shot, edited and published on our own.
  • We put the collection of the work of our team members, partners, interview partners as well as scientific advisors on our Attributions page.
  • We provided a useful contribution to future igem teams, by writing a guide of working with the Marburg Collection in E.coli and adapting the cloning protocols to a high temperature ligase.
  • We spent our summer working remote and in the lab. The iGEM experience was quite different this year, but we had fun!
  • We have shown engineering success, by providing intensively researched plans for our experiments and navigating the engineering cycle with in silico improvement of parts needed for our experiments, and first results in our wetlab experimental validation.
  • We worked together with iGEM Team Manchester to analyse iGEM Wikis via web scraping. We took part at several events.
  • We talked to stakeholders from politics and science about the future of synthetic biology.
  • We have demonstrated the implementation of our research and work, for instance for virus-mediated drug delivery. Furthermore, we have presented the use cases of our software suite and how we targeted and adapted it for other scientists for their research.
  • Our project has been shaped a lot by other scientists and experts. We used their feedback to make our project and work better and gained a better understanding how to modify our tools, so they may be used by our target audience. - Especially the development of our experiment booklet and PRISM has benefited a lot from integrated human practices.
  • With CoNcoRDe and 3DOC we have presented two tools, which can't be anything more than modeling tools for RNAs and protein-RNA interfaces. CoNcoRDe models RNAs and their characteristics, while 3DOC fuses protein domains, such as pumby modules.
  • We have demonstrated Proof-of-concept with PRISM (Protein RNA Interaction Sequence Modelling) the generation of RNA-binding protein sequences based on a user-inputted RNA-motif.
  • Science communnication was an important issue for us. We developed a 3-day course program (experiment booklet) for pupils and and reached out into society with the science slam.
  • RISE is the abbreviation for: iGEM Registry Intelligent Search Engine. - This is, what we present as excellence in another area. With RISE we present an easy-to-use tool, made for iGEMers and scientists out there!