
Team:Montpellier -

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The CBS was our host lab for our experiments.
The research of the CBS is at the forefront of Structural Biology, Biophysics, and Bioengineering as a mean to describe and understand the fundamental physicochemical mechanisms underlying biological processes, from the molecular to the cellular and tissue level.

Eligo Biosciences

Eligo Biosciences is a biotechnology company created in 2014 that studies microbiome to create targeted biotherapeutic agents to selectively intervene on microbiome. They supported us financially and allowed us to pay part of the lab material that we needed for experiments.


The international Physics of Living Systems program is a burgeoning research area with the promise of helping revolutionize our understanding of biotic phenomena. It regroups an increasing number of scientists that offer proper training for physics students who will form the core of the next generation of PoLS researchers. They organize education meetings with speakers from all over the world sharing knowledge about physics, education, and things that gravitate around those two topics. They supported us financially for the giant jamboree registration.


Oxeltis is an independent medicinal chemistry oriented service company that provides competencies and resources necessary for the success of projects involving medicinal and fine organic chemistry in the fields of pharmaceutical, diagnostic and academic research. They supported us financially and allowed us to pay a part of the lab material that we needed for experiments.


Axa is a French international company specialized in insurance and asset management created in 1985. They supported us financially and allowed us to pay a part of the lab material that we needed for experiments.


Copidoc helped us in printing educational support. It is a printing company based in South of France which proposes a great diversity of services around printing.


Solidarity and Development Fund for Student Initiatives, helps to finance student projects in various fields (culture, humanitarian, sports, solidarity, environment, citizen engagement, etc.), but also helps students in needs.

Pôle Rabelais

Pôle Rabelais is a research pole in the biology and health domain. It is linked to the University of Montpellier. But more than just a research lab, it is a structure of excellence that gathers people such as searchers, scientists, and students around biology. They helped us thanks to financial support that allowed us to buy material.

Ulule contributors:

A special thanks to CASTEL Patrick, COSTA Fabien, COSTA Françoise, DAUDIN Clement, DOUCET Dominique, DOUET Alain, DOUET Florian, DOUET Nathalie, EROES Armin, FONSECA Bernard, FRISTOT Jean Michel, GEFFROY Jacqueline, HEURTIN Corinne, LAVOINE Marie, LAVOUE Françoise, MOREAU Alain et RASETTI Samuel who generously contributed to the success of our project.