Team:NEFU China/Human Practices Edu






  In the initial stage of project design, in order to optimize the existing design of the project, provide direction for our project promotion and follow-up human practice, and provide reference materials for later project development, we conducted a questionnaire survey.

Popular Questionnaire:

  We have released questionnaires in Chinese and English on the Microsoft questionnaire platform, and spread them through WeChat, QQ and other ways. So far, we have collected about 700 questionnaires.

Questionnaire Design:

According to the education level of the people surveyed, we designed more than ten different questions, covering many aspects of the project, to understand the understanding of landmine and synthetic biology among different groups, and to get public feedback and suggestions on the design of the project. We would like to know the understanding of different populations of the hazards of landmines and their views on the existing landmine detection methods. At the same time, we would like to know the public's suggestions, focus and concerns on the core of our project, such as survey objects, signal collection, etc., in order to optimize our project. In addition, we hope to investigate the level of public understanding of synthetic biology and engineering bacteria, as well as popular forms of publicity and education, so that we can carry out follow-up publicity and popularization work accordingly.

Result Collection and Analysis:

  We surveyed people of all ages in a variety of industries, most of whom have at least a bachelor's degree.
  Firstly, we investigated the public's understanding of synthetic biology. According to the survey, the public have a certain understanding of synthetic biology, but more know that engineering bacteria can be used in disease treatment, agricultural production and other aspects, but lack of understanding of the application of synthetic biology in emerging fields. Therefore, we expand our publicity, especially the application potential for synthetic biology in emerging fields, such as exploration, environmental treatment, information engineering and so on. According to the survey results, we choose popular science videos and articles on the propaganda and online platform to let more people understand the application of synthetic biology and synthetic biology in emerging fields.

  Secondly, we investigated the public's views on landmines and current landmine detection methods. Respondents generally believe that landmines have a great impact and are an international problem to be solved urgently. Meanwhile, according to the survey, the public is not satisfied with the current means of landmine detection. Moreover, they are also concerned about a series of problems of traditional landmine detection methods, such as the interference of non-mine targets, high cost, and the hidden dangers of personal safety. As for the use of engineering bacteria for landmine detection, public concerns focus on the environmental impact on engineering bacteria, weak signals and poor accuracy. Therefore, our project design should be committed to creating safe, stable, low-cost, accurate and efficient biological landmine detection.

  In the hardware design module of our project, we use the UAV delivery device and make a heat map through the feedback signals to intelligently plan an optimal demining route to ensure the safety of landmine detection and demining personnel of the greatest extent. According to the results of the questionnaire, we choose to place the engineering bacteria in a device the size of a can, which not only provides suitable growth conditions for the engineering bacteria at an acceptable cost, but also facilitates the subsequent signal reception and processing and the recovery of the engineering bacteria.

  In addition, in order to solve the problem of accuracy and signal feedback, which is the key to bacterial mine detection, we choose to detect chemical explosives, which is the core of mines, so as to reduce the interference of non-mine targets. Aiming at the problem that the public is most worried about: "the bacterial feedback signal is weak and difficult to be detected." through the communication with the relevant professors, we choose to reduce the detection threshold of the promoter and improve the detection sensitivity through phage-assisted directed evolution. At the same time, we choose to transform the bacterial fluorescence feedback signal into electromagnetic wave signal similar to WiFi, which can expand the bacterial luminous signal, accurate location and intelligent processing. These methods are generally accepted by the public and give us the confidence to move forward with the project.

  At the end of the questionnaire, the importance ranking of stakeholders gives us the direction to advance human practice. According to the questionnaire results, we chose to interview relevant government agencies and mine clearance officers and soldiers, which received recognition and many pertinent suggestions.

Professional Data Analysis:

①Multiple response analysis:

  Multiple response frequency analysis, multiple response cross analysis. When analyzing the results of multiple choice questions, we use "0-1" coding, that is, to set a separate variable for each option. In the spss analysis module, select multiple responses, define the variable magnitude, re-encode the options, define them as binary values by the dichotomy, and define the selection options as "1". If not, the default is "0". Then define a new variable order of magnitude, rename and add it, and the system will add a "$" symbol before the multiple response.   Enter the spss analysis-multiple response, first carry on the frequency analysis, select the multiple response level, the analysis results of copy 1 are given below as examples.

·The landmine survey methods you know are (multiple selections) :

  The cross-analysis of landmine survey methods understood by people studying science and liberal arts.

·As far as you know, the current application of synthetic biology (multi-selection) :

  The cross-table analysis of considered that whether it is necessary to convert the direct response signal biofluorescence into other signals received by the two groups of people understand the current application of synthetic biology .

·In what ways do you want to know about us, synthetic biology and mines? (multiple selection)

  The cross-table analysis of What are the ways in which people of different ages learn about us, synthetic biology and landmines.

②AHP Analytic hierarchy process (empowerment) :

The ranking of importance can not only directly show the respondents' attitude to each option, but also rank the options according to the frequency and importance of responses. The AHP analytic hierarchy process is used to analyze the data onto the problems existing on adaptive engineering bacterial mine detection and the ranking of stakeholders in biological mine detection. after entering the data, the abnormal value of the data is processed, all the options are selected, "missing number" and "number < 0" in spss are selected, and the exception processing item is set to Null, to determine processing. the analysis results of copy 1 are given below as examples.

·Frequency analysis

  Through frequency analysis, we can see that among the problems existing on the use of engineering bacteria for mine detection, it is considered that the most important option of the largest number of people is that the feedback signal of bacteria is weak and difficult to be detected to 125 people, and also, it is considered that the high cost is the least important in the problems of engineering bacteria landmine detection.

  In the issue of considering stakeholders in the field of biological mine detection (any relevant person affected by organizational decisions and actions in the external environment of the organization), the first option of the largest number of people is minefield residents, the largest number of people thinks that the interests of landmine detection device manufacturers are the least relevant.

  In the survey of the current impact and severity of mines on us, the preferred option of the largest number of people is "the chemicals contained in mines enter the water and are at the risk of causing cancer", meanwhile, respondents generally believe that mines have a direct or potential impact on most people.

·Importance Ranking:

  Using the weight assignment method, because the selection order is different, its importance is also different. in the analysis, it is necessary to assign a weighted number to each numerical value. that is, the first numerical weight > the second weight > the third weight > the fourth weight. The most conventional method of assignment is to score the data in reverse: for example, there are four rankings, four points in the first place, three points in the second place, two points in the third place, and one point in the fourth place. Use the spss data encoding function, select all the options, set the score, confirm the coding, and describe and analyze the results after the setting is successful.

  In the importance ranking, the average value obtained can represent the order in which the items are selected. It is considered that the option with the highest average score in the problems existing in the use of engineering bacterial mine detection is "bacterial feedback signal is weak and difficult to detect", the average value is the highest, and the ranking is the highest. The order for the final option is that the bacterial feedback signal is weak. Difficult to detect > affected by environmental factors > poor detection accuracy > may lead to problems such as biological pollution > high cost.

  In the investigation into the current impact and severity of mines on us, the average score of "chemicals contained in mines enter the water body, destroy water quality, and have the risk of causing cancer" is the highest. The order for importance is that the chemicals contained in the mine enter the water body, destroy the water quality, have carcinogenic risk > accidentally enter the minefield, and are likely to be blown up > the chemicals contained in the mine destroy the soil. Wasting a large area of land > it has no effect on most people.

  In the survey of stakeholders in biological mine detection (anyone affected by organizational decisions and actions in the external environment of the organization), the option of the highest average score was minefield residents. The order for interest correlation is minefield residents > government and related military institutions > minesweeping officers and soldiers > mine detection related researchers > biologists > mine detection device manufacturers.

2.Social Media:

  Another approach to engage with the public and let more people understand synthetic biology was to use WeChat, a smartphone app, to publicly push our article. Reaching out to the public domain via social media platforms was an essential part in our project. In today's fast-paced era, online reading is a convenient and fast way to understand new knowledge. Reading on the network is an effective way of engaging people and spread the concept of synthetic biology.


(1)High School:


  In order to further popularize synthetic biology knowledge and let more people understand our project, we carried out popular science activities.


  The students from Harbin No. 6 High School and Tianjin Xianshuigu No.1 High School.

Preliminary preparation:

  We have prepared customized gifts and the opportunities to visit our lab for students who answered our questions.

Main speaker:

·Teacher: Pengchao Wang
·Undergraduate: Danjie Song


  At the beginning of the presentation, Mr. Pengchao Wang, as instructor, shared the theme of "Synthetic Biology——Breaking the Boundary of Imagination" for the students. First, Mr. Wang compared the history of the earth to a day to tell students about the long evolutionary process of living things and how humans recognize and utilize other living things. After that, He pointed out that“What I cannot create, I do not understand”and draw a conclusion that the best way to prove that he knows something is to make it himself from it. He brought students into the world of synthetic biology. Next, he used LEGO bricks as an example to let the students understand the practice of synthetic biology. Finally, he concluded with the application and Prospect of synthetic biology to build their interests to biology.

Project & iGEM Introduction:

  First of all, we explained the origin of iGEM competition and its international influence and status in order to encourage students to participate in the iGEM. After that, we explained the reason why my project was designed and its basic biological principles to the students. After a brief discussion, we also talked about the hardware system of the project, and discussed the function and operation mode of the hardware system and how to apply the mathematical analysis of the hardware device to the project with students. After the lecture, we felt the interest and yearning of the students to synthetic biology.

Question & Discussion:

Mr Wang: If we compare the history of the earth to 24 hours in a day, when should human beings appear?
Shuyang Zhao: About the last minute.
Mr. Wang:Humans appeared at about 11:59 p.m., the last minute before the end of the day, just a group of primates who had just learned to stand upright. In the last 0.1 second (4000 BC), the first civilization in human history appeared in Shinarin the Middle East.
Zihan Wang: How far can the monitoring range of this device reach?
Danjie Song: It can reach the order of 1 microgram, which is about 1.4ug/L.


  After the main content of the presentation was completed, the students were still actively asking us different knowledge about biology and expressed great interest in synthetic biology. Finally, we expressed sincere gratitude to the students and teachers who watched our presentation, and took a group photo.

(2)Primary School:


  In order to broaden students' horizons, cultivate their interest, stimulate their curiosity and guide them to explore and think more deeply relying on the knowledge of biology, we carried out popular science activities.

Preliminary preparation:

  We have prepared customized gifts for students who answered our questions.

Main speaker:

Danjie Song, Zishuo Xu and Jianing Hu.


  At the beginning of science popularization, Danjie Song, a member of NEFU_China, shared the theme of "biological wonder". First of all, song Danjie gave examples of some food related to microorganisms and food additives used to prevent food corruption around us, to illustrate that our microorganisms are closely related and human beings have begun to use microorganisms in certain production industries.

  After that, Danjie Song guided the students to think about the other functions of microorganisms in a divergent way, which led to the optical biological mine detection sensor using microorganisms for mine detection. Danjie Song briefly introduced its biology, hardware and working principle.

  Next, Zishuo Xu from NEFU_China told the students about the rough distribution of mines and the hazards of landmines. So as to guide students to understand the knowledge of landmines. Zishuo Xu explained the history, harm, function and classification of landmines.

Question & Discussion:

A classmate: Are there so many landmines underground over left, are they from the previous war?
Danjie Song: Most of them were buried during the previous war in order to protect national security.
A classmate: What is the explosion range of landmines?
Danjie Song: The explosion range of different landmines is different. For example, fragment landmines can also cause damage to people 60 meters away. Many landmines have relatively high lethality.
A classmate: Does stepping on a mine really explode?
Yifan Bian: The principle of most landmines is pressure contact. Generally speaking, stepping on them will explode even if they do not move. However, if the landmines are buried for a long time, they may be out of repair and will not explode, but there are still certain risks.


Finally, Jianing Hu, from NEFU_China, delivered a speech on the theme of "war and peace". As a result of the war, wives and children were separated, families were broken, and young children took on the responsibility of the whole family. How many dead people's howls, and who would calm them down. Although children can't spare no effort to prevent all unjust wars, they can be filial to their parents, strive to grow up and contribute to the construction of the country when they grow up.