

Proposed Implementation

According to the latest World Health Organization’s (WHO) study, the first cause of death worldwide is cardiovascular diseases. In particular, one out of three deaths in the developing countries is due to them, while in developed countries may reach 80%. Remarkably, one out of ten people aged between 30 and 70 will die from such a disease (including heart attacks and strokes) due to the lack of balance in the blood’s LDL cholesterol levels.

The category of drugs administered to regulate LDL levels is called statins. However, 1 out of 3 patients does not appear to have the expected results because of several side effects such as myopathy and liver associated problems. So, our diagnostic tool could be an effective way to overcome the issues mentioned above. The BentoLab – AI system allows doctors to provide excellent dosage adjustment services to their patients suffering from cardiovascular diseases, such as hypercholesterolemia.

Physicians, like cardiologists, with a lack of laboratory knowledge, can perform the test quickly and effectively. Without previous laboratory experience, three medical students testified our BentoLab-AI system to ascertain its accuracy and convenience. George Vasilagkos, Kanellos Spiliopoulos, and Athanasios Vagionis checked out a trial version of it just following the step-by-step guidance provided to them by our system. At this point, we should underline that each student performed the test on a different day. Thus we had enough time to use their feedback and enhance the instructions. Our goal was to improve the step-by-step guidance and make BentoLab – AI system understandable for every user.

Today, clinic doctors are unaware of genetic tests’ availability relating to treatment decisions and how to interpret them. The lack of familiarity with genetic tests may be one reason for their rare integration into clinical practice. Thus, students associated with health sciences need to be informed on the Pharmacogenomic field’s usefulness as part of their school’s curriculum.

We also propose to microbiologists the use of our diagnostic system to enrich their diagnostic techniques. Being experts in such techniques, it would be effortless for them to use the system even without the provided step-by-step assistance.

The Ministry of Health and other relevant governmental agencies can make the BentoLab – AI software system available to public hospitals not only in metropolitan areas but also in the remote ones, taking advantage of its portability. Through our system, the time needed for genomic analysis is decreased from 5-10 days to only 5-6 hours, while the cost is extremely reduced compared to existing methods.

The high accuracy that the BentoLab-AI system provides makes it a great option even for Pharmaceutical Company’s R&D departments. By using it, they can personalize the dosages of drugs that they produced and simultaneously avoid the supernumerary production of drugs.

We envision BentoLab as a molecular diagnostic device, supported by an Artificial Intelligence software that would show to physicians what dosage of every drug – and not only statins - a patient should take. So, we will achieve personalized medicine, cheaper, faster, and more accurately than any other method tried before.

According to the World Health Organization, 33% of deaths in the developed countries come due to cardiovascular disease, while this percentage may reach 80% in countries with medium and high incomes, such as North America and Europe. Specifically, Europe has the highest rate of people with raised cholesterol (54% of both sexes), followed by America with a percentage of 48% for both sexes. Especially in Greece, 46% of men and 40% of women have general serum cholesterol levels >200mg/dl. Of them, 40% of men and 30% of women were ignorant of their condition. Of those, 31% of men and 20% of women receive pharmaceutical treatment, mainly statins. This markets’ growth can be majorly related to the unhealthy lifestyle adopted by the citizens in these regions and the inductive increase of the obesity rates. In such areas, our project would be extremely beneficial for patients taking statins as it can be used for the elimination of their side effects.

Although our project seems harmless, there are some safety aspects that we should consider. It has to be clarified that the following aspects are not related to laboratory equipment, manipulations, and techniques, which are published in Safety forms.

We specifically concentrated on bioethics, which is the study of typically controversial ethics brought about by advances in biology and medicine. It is also moral discernment as it relates to medical policy, practice, and research. The term Bioethics (Greek bios, life; ethos, behavior) was coined in 1926 by Fritz Jahr. However, the fundamental principles announced in the Belmont Report (1979)—namely, respect for persons, beneficence, and justice—have influenced the thinking of bioethicists across a wide range of issues.

Our team decided to analyze the bioethical implications of our project to prove that not only does it not pose any risk for our society, but it can also prove to be beneficial. The field of synthetic biology could be both a useful and harmful tool - like a knife - depending on the utilization that someone may do and someone’s ethos.

We believe that Ethics is an integral part of the fields of Science and Technology. There are many different factors to be considered when trying to approach the ethical aspects of them, especially when we attempt to do that for the newly emerged field of Synthetic Biology. While searching the scientific literature, we realized various definitions of Synthetic Biology, but not entirely adequate. One that could partially be satisfactory is that Synthetic Biology is more than just another field in Biology or Engineering. It’s a fusion of these two, in ways that can help you design and build entirely new systems or copy the already existing ones artificially.

Our priority was to ensure patients’ consent for blood sampling. This was important to be assured as we needed the blood not only to conduct our experiments but also to train the algorithm. This procedure is done through a written document, and it requires specific information such as in which place the samples will be stored, who will have access to our data, and how they could be used. This consent should be legal and follow a specific procedure.

Bellow you can find the Consent Form legally accepted in Greece.

Consent Form - Click here to view our Consent Form!

Finding a specialist lawyer to guide us through our future steps wasn’t as easy as it sounds! Vasileios Karkatzounis, a legal engineer specialized in the proper use of Artificial Intelligence, highlighted all the legal obstacles we may face while trying to turn our project into a sustainable business plan. Initially, he informed us about the regulatory system and guidelines published in 2018 by the European Council whilst he urged us to read them through, especially those referred to as personal data, used for the AI system. He underlined the necessity to create a confirmation form in order to be within the law while using the health data to develop the BentoLab-AI system. The reason and aim of using these data, the duration, the results, the owner, and the legal base system should be included in this form. In addition to these, all volunteers should be elaborately informed about the procedure that will be followed and how their personal data and the results will be used. Of course, it should be clarified from the beginning to all the participants that our project’s supervisor is the University of Patras. Last but not least, his most purposive advice was to clarify that the AI system will be used for physicians’ assistance, and it won’t replace their decision.

The general public’s scaremongering is also a crucial issue that should be mentioned. There is a widespread view that AI is an ambiguous subject because of the retention of personal data. So, we tried to solve this problem through the document we provided to each volunteer. In addition, no GDPR issue is arising since our system needs only a photo of the electrophoresis results and no other data. The people should realize that Synthetic Biology, Pharmacogenomics, and AI can help solve societal issues using logical arguments. We should not be afraid of contrasting opinions since they can result in fruitful discussions.

Moreover, a significant problem that we should check is the environmental risks that our project may pose. Dr. Patrinos highlighted the fact that there is a slightly increased risk of non-predictable and undesired interactions of our products with the environment, such as wasted plastic dips or wasted pigments. To minimize this danger, he suggested that we are careful with our lab waste. Recycling all the used plastic dips and tubes and dismissing the wasted organic and inorganic solutions in the predefined containers for this job to be safely released to the environment by the experts would be the right steps towards this direction.


16 students from Patras blending Pharmacogenomics with Artificial Intelligence to redefine medicine

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