
UR igem wiki


  • Proposed End Users
  • Our project aims to influence health care and diagnostics for women with endometriosis, particularly women still struggling to receive recognition of their symptoms.
    Our project aims to enable physicians to recognize the symptoms of endometriosis and provide empathetic and quality care to this patient population.

  • Envision Others Using Our Project
  • It’s like a story…

    A woman who constantly complains about severe pelvic pain finally feels heard when she goes to a clinic that not only utilizes our diagnostics tools and educational materials, but has empathetic doctors that are knowledgeable about the sign of endometriosis. When she arrives at the clinic, our educational material is surrounding her. From our brochures at the front desk to the walls plastered with our infographics, she is able to not only learn about endometriosis but feels more comfortable discussing her symptoms. She sparks a conversation with her doctor leading him to use our clinical predictive to determine the likelihood of the woman having endometriosis. Based on the results, she is handed our menstrual cup specifically designed for endometriosis patients. On her next period she puts our menstrual cup to use, collecting her menstrual effluent and using our syringe system to secure the effluent in a vial. She brings the vial back to the clinic where the sample is processed with our DIY centrifuge. The sample is run on our non-invasive test strips enabling the doctor to rapidly test for the disease.
    Imagine it. She avoided 11 years of chronic, debilitating pain (Agarwal et al., 2019). She didn’t have to frequently miss work or school (Fourquet et al., 2011). She got to spend more quality time with friends and family. She didn’t have to feel alone or misunderstood.
    Our Promotinal Video

    Future Directions

    Bacterial production of antibodies can drastically reduce the cost of immunoassays while build-it-yourself centrifuges lend themselves to use in medical settings with limited funding. We hope that creating these methods will also provide future directions for iGEM teams looking for low cost alternatives to current diagnostic methods for endometriosis and other under researched diseases. Additionally, as more research becomes available regarding endometriosis biomarkers in menstrual effluent, we hope that teams will design innovative endometriosis diagnostic tools that are even more sensitive and specific.

  • Implementation
  • In order to successfully implement our project in the real world, we decided to consider current issues in society that may create barriers to the implementation of our project. To do this, we analyzed the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals and designed our project to address challenges relevant to endometriosis and women’s reproductive healthcare.

  • Safety