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  • Sustainable
  • In order to successfully implement our project in the real world, we decided to consider current issues in society that may create barriers to the implementation of our project. To do this, we analyzed the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals and designed our project to address challenges relevant to endometriosis and women’s reproductive healthcare.

  • References
  • Agarwal, S. K., Chapron, C., Giudice, L. C., Laufer, M. R., Leyland, N., Missmer, S. A., Singh S. S. & Taylor, H. S. (2019). Clinical diagnosis of endometriosis: a call to action. American journal of obstetrics and gynecology, 220(4), 354-e1.

    As-Sanie, S., Black, R., Giudice, L. C., Valbrun, T. G., Gupta, J., Jones, B., ... & Taylor, R. N. (2019). Assessing research gaps and unmet needs in endometriosis. American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology, 221(2), 86-94.

    DiVasta, A. D., Vitonis, A. F., Laufer, M. R., & Missmer, S. A. (2018). Spectrum of symptoms in women diagnosed with endometriosis during adolescence vs adulthood. American journal of obstetrics and gynecology, 218(3), 324-e1.

    Fourquet, J., Báez, L., Figueroa, M., Iriarte, R. I., & Flores, I. (2011). Quantification of the impact of endometriosis symptoms on health-related quality of life and work productivity. Fertility and sterility, 96(1), 107-112.

    Freeman, L., & Stewart, H. (2018). Microaggressions in clinical medicine. Kennedy Institute of Ethics Journal, 28(4), 411-449.

    Fuldeore, M., Chwalisz, K., Marx, S., Wu, N., Boulanger, L., Ma, L., & Lamothe, K. (2011). Surgical procedures and their cost estimates among women with newly diagnosed endometriosis: a US database study. Journal of medical economics, 14(1), 115-123.

    Grogan, S., Turley, E., & Cole, J. (2018). ‘So many women suffer in silence’: a thematic analysis of women’s written accounts of coping with endometriosis. Psychology & health, 33(11), 1364-1378.

    Moen, M. H. (2017). Endometriosis, an everlasting challenge. Acta Obstetricia et Gynecologica Scandinavica, 96(6), 783-786.

    Peberdy, E., Jones, A., & Green, D. (2019). A study into public awareness of the environmental impact of menstrual products and product choice. Sustainability, 11(2), 473.

    Rowe, H. J., Hammarberg, K., Dwyer, S., Camilleri, R., & Fisher, J. R. (2019). Improving clinical care for women with endometriosis: qualitative analysis of women’s and health professionals’ views. Journal of Psychosomatic Obstetrics & Gynecology, 1-7.

    Sepulcri, R. D. P., & do Amaral, V. F. (2009). Depressive symptoms, anxiety, and quality of life in women with pelvic endometriosis. European Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology and Reproductive Biology, 142(1), 53-56.

    Van Eijk, A. M., Zulaika, G., Lenchner, M., Mason, L., Sivakami, M., Nyothach, E., ... & Phillips-Howard, P. A. (2019). Menstrual cup use, leakage, acceptability, safety, and availability: a systematic review and meta-analysis. The Lancet Public Health, 4(8), e376-e393.

    Viganò, P., Parazzini, F., Somigliana, E., & Vercellini, P. (2004). Endometriosis: epidemiology and aetiological factors. Best practice & research Clinical obstetrics & gynaecology, 18(2), 177-200.

    Young, K., Fisher, J., & Kirkman, M. (2019). “Do mad people get endo or does endo make you mad?”: Clinicians’ discursive constructions of Medicine and women with endometriosis. Feminism & Psychology, 29(3), 337-356.