


Models are simplifications of reality: as the statistician George Box stated, “all models are wrong, but some are useful” [1]. Here, we use models for two purposes: to predict what we could not address in the lab and to improve the experimental design. Firstly, we have used an individual-based model (IBM) of the repressilator to gain insight into how long the bacterial population could oscillate synchronously in a gut-like environment. We track the number of proteins and undergone divisions in each bacterium, and set simple rules on how they divide, die or update their protein amounts guided by a system of ordinary differential equations (ODEs). This model was validated with previous simulations or experimental findings that we managed to reproduce. Secondly, we have developed an ODE model to optimise the experimental setup of a kill switch.

ODE model of the repressilator

Individual-based model (IBM) of the repressilator

Kill switch modelling

References (click to see)

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A big thank you to our sponsors for their valuable support!