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<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="https://2020.igem.org/wiki/index.php?title=Template:Vilnius-Lithuania/CSS/Graphic_Design&action=raw&ctype=text/css" />
.introContainer > span {
    background-image: url('https://i.imgur.com/YzVZfz4.jpg');
    document.querySelector(".introContainer > span").style.backgroundImage = "url('https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2020/8/8f/T--Vilnius-Lithuania--bg12.jpg')";
          setHeading('Graphic Design')
     <main id="section-text">
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         <input id="headingTitleText" type="hidden" value="Graphic Design"/>
         <input id="headingTitleText" type="hidden" value="Graphic Design" />
         <div class="contentBlock">
         <div class="contentBlock">
             <div class="content">
             <div class="content">
                 <div class="h2 larger">Overview</div>
                 <div class="h3">Overview</div>
                 <div class="h3">Liepa</div>
                 <p class="content-paragraph">Effective communication is the key to successful representation of one's work to other people. In particular, graphic design is crucial for <b>clear communication</b> and is a powerful tool to <b>increase the usability</b> of the website
                 <p class="content-paragraph">Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Morbi quis ante odio. Sed eleifend, eros at bibendum ullamcorper, nisl nisl mattis ligula, ut euismod lorem elit sit amet ipsum. Suspendisse scelerisque, odio vitae malesuada mattis, sem augue mattis velit, sit amet ornare lacus velit nec nibh. Curabitur sed lectus sapien. Suspendisse finibus urna volutpat mi consequat lacinia. In ut felis quis purus tempus gravida. Vestibulum eget gravida risus. Vivamus porta dui et nulla fringilla, nec fermentum felis placerat. Pellentesque dictum risus quis aliquam lacinia. Duis mauris arcu, rhoncus eu felis a, laoreet volutpat ipsum. Ut sed aliquam libero. Sed placerat sem nec hendrerit pellentesque.</p>
                    for people with diverse abilities. Hence, suitable visualisation approaches are vital for explaining complex concepts and methodologies, since it is easier for the reader to grasp main ideas.</p>
                 <div class="h3">Yra</div>
                 <p class="content-paragraph">We were inspired by bold, experimental and almost minimalistic websites in which every detail is intentional and functional. Our main priority was <b>navigability, legibility</b> and <b>good user experience</b> without losing the joy of
                 <p class="content-paragraph">Maecenas in orci non risus fringilla maximus. Morbi id erat commodo, feugiat ante a, ullamcorper urna. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Mauris ligula nunc, gravida in interdum non, pellentesque eget libero. Aliquam porta purus nec arcu sodales, eget sagittis purus lacinia. Aliquam dictum augue id lacinia lacinia. Ut et elementum nunc, nec tempus lacus. Fusce vel mauris ante. Suspendisse bibendum quam tortor, vitae congue urna facilisis at. Aliquam erat volutpat. Sed sit amet magna in nunc ullamcorper porta id et dui. Vestibulum in eros nisi. Proin cursus nisl eu justo laoreet interdum. Suspendisse eu tellus vel felis iaculis posuere.</p>
                    experimenting with the web design for the Wiki page.</p>
<div class="h3">Nereali</div>
                 <div class="h3">Identity</div>
                <p class="content-paragraph">Maecenas in orci non risus fringilla maximus. Morbi id erat commodo, feugiat ante a, ullamcorper urna. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Mauris ligula nunc, gravida in interdum non, pellentesque eget libero. Aliquam porta purus nec arcu sodales, eget sagittis purus lacinia. Aliquam dictum augue id lacinia lacinia. Ut et elementum nunc, nec tempus lacus. Fusce vel mauris ante. Suspendisse bibendum quam tortor, vitae congue urna facilisis at. Aliquam erat volutpat. Sed sit amet magna in nunc ullamcorper porta id et dui. Vestibulum in eros nisi. Proin cursus nisl eu justo laoreet interdum. Suspendisse eu tellus vel felis iaculis posuere.</p>
                 <p class="content-paragraph">To establish the project's personality, immerse users in the experience and make it more memorable, we outlined key points that we wanted to communicate with our project. In addition, it is easier to define and execute a cohesive visual
                    identity, in turn, users are more likely to remember the project.</p>
                <div class="list-wrapper">
                    <h5>Project Characteristics</h5>
                            <p>cold water fish</p>
                            <p>yellow-coloured Flavobacteria</p>
                            <p>deep waters</p>
                <div class="h4">Typography</div>
                <p class="content-paragraph">The text represents around 90% of all the information on the web. Typography is crucial to <b>amplify the language</b>, it’s like the clothing for words as it changes how the user interprets and comprehends written information.</p>
                <p class="content-paragraph">To establish our project identity and clearly communicate scientific concepts, we chose a combination of sans serif fonts - Montserrat and Lato.</p>
                <object id="typography" data="https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2020/5/57/T--Vilnius-Lithuania--gd-typeface.svg" type="image/svg+xml"></object>
                <div class="h4">Colour Scheme</div>
                <p class="content-paragraph">To reflect our project’s brand style and apply colour to the Wiki page in a meaningful way, we carefully designed our colour palette for light and dark themes (Fig. 1). Also, we applied the same colour scheme for our software “onFlow”
                    and human practices dedicated “The 6th SynBio Sense” websites. </p>
                <object id="colorscheme" data="https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2020/f/ff/T--Vilnius-Lithuania--gd-colorpallete.svg" type="image/svg+xml"></object>
                <p class="photo-desc"><b>Figure 1. </b> Our team's brand colour palette and it's light & dark themes</p>
                <p class="content-paragraph">As colour can communicate tone and critical information, we chose black and white as background colours to convey <b>sophistication</b> and <b>simplicity</b>. For the primary colour, we picked two shades of blue, which indicates the water
                    theme. From the psychological aspect, people associated blue with reliability and serenity. Yellow was chosen as the accent shade, which represents one of the main subjects of the project - yellow Flavobacteria. Also, the yellow colour
                    is attention grabbing, optimistic and evokes creativity—ideal combination for our project identity.</p>
                <div class="h4">Logo</div>
                <p class="content-paragraph">Logo is the foundation of the brand identity and sets the tone for the story you are trying to tell with your project (Fig. 2). We paid a lot of attention to details while creating the logo. For example, we made it responsive to different
                    screen sizes and created positive as well as negative versions of the logo for the printing, scanning purposes and guarantees its visibility on any background (Fig. 3). In addition, the logo was designed with the <b>Golden Ratio principle</b>                    to achieve harmonious and balanced feel(Fig. 4)<a href="#cit1" class="citation">1</a>.</p>
                <object id="logo" data="https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2020/4/4a/T--Vilnius-Lithuania--gd-logo.svg" type="image/svg+xml"></object>
                <p class="photo-desc"><b>Figure 2. </b>The meaning behind the three main parts of the logo</p>
                <object id="logovariatons" data="https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2020/b/b7/T--Vilnius-Lithuania--gd-logo-variations.svg" type="image/svg+xml"></object>
                <p class="photo-desc"><b>Figure 3. </b>Responsiveness of the logo for different screen sizes as well as positive and negative versions of the logo</p>
                <object id="golden" data="https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2020/2/2f/T--Vilnius-Lithuania--gd-goldenratio.svg" type="image/svg+xml"></object>
                <p class="photo-desc"><b>Figure 4. </b>Scheme of using the Golden Ratio to design fish visualisation for our logo</p>
                <div class="h3">Animations</div>
                <p class="content-paragraph">We paid great attention to creating informative animations, which illustrate the main ideas of our project. In fact, motion graphics maintain the reader's focus, it provides deeper meaning and depicts more accurate information with coherent
                    transitions and dynamic elements (Fig. 5). The animations were created by using Adobe Illustrator and After Effects software.</p>
                <div id="animations"></div>
                <p class="photo-desc"><b>Figure 5. </b>An example of animation, created for the Design page of our Wiki</p>
                <div class="h3">Accessibility</div>
                <p class="content-paragraph">To enhance the <b>usability</b> of our Wiki page and make it more enjoyable to a wider range of audience, we realized that colour could be a good starting point for creating a more accessible web as it ensures <b>text legibility</b> and
                    distinguishes important elements in the design.</p>
                <p class="content-paragraph">According to the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG)<a href="#cit2" class="citation">2</a>, sufficient colour contrast helps users to see and interact with the right elements of the web. WCAG 2.0 level AA require <b>contrast ratio of at least 4.5:1 for normal text</b>                    and <b>3:1 for large text</b> (Fig. 6)</p>
                <object id="contrast" data="https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2020/7/7e/T--Vilnius-Lithuania--gd-contrast.svg" type="image/svg+xml"></object>
                <p class="photo-desc"><b>Figure 6. </b>Evaluations of WCAG 2.0 level AA contrast ratio requirements for different text color schemes </p>
                <p class="content-paragraph">We also took into consideration how to accurately convey information for
                    <b>colourblind</b> people. Colour Universal Design (CUD) system, which was developed for thoughtful use of colour to ensure that colourblind people are not at the disadvantage, while using the web (Fig. 7). This is also known as the
                    “colour barrier-free” approach<a href="#cit3" class="citation">3</a>.</p>
                <object id="colour-blind" data="https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2020/f/fb/T--Vilnius-Lithuania--gd-colorblindness.svg" type="image/svg+xml"></object>
                <p class="photo-desc"><b>Figure 7. </b>A comparison of the vision between colourblind people who have deuteranopia and people with common-type vision </p>
                <p class="content-paragraph">Therefore, we soft-proofed our colour scheme and saw that, indeed, blue and yellow shades were a good choice for Wiki page design and other websites (Fig. 8).</p>
                <object id="graph" data="https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2020/0/0d/T--Vilnius-Lithuania--gd-graph.svg" type="image/svg+xml"></object>
                <p class="photo-desc"><b>Figure 8. </b>A – original colour palette. Two types of colorblindness: B – protanopia, C – deuteranopia. </p>
                <div class="h3">Navigability</div>
                <p class="content-paragraph">Navigation is the cornerstone of web usability. Having good navigability allows users to better orient themselves on the website and <b>quickly find information</b>. Understanding psychology behind how humans interact with products or
                    services helps to create an efficient website.</p>
                <p class="content-paragraph">For our design, we applied <b>Hick’s law</b>, which states that the more choices one has, the longer it takes to make a decision. Also, Hick’s law effectiveness was proven in the design of the software menu, control display and content
                    <a href="#cit4" class="citation">4</a>. Limiting options for the users help them efficiently navigate throughout the page. </p>
                <p class="content-paragraph">We put into practices this law by breaking up information into separate graphic components, content containers with only essential information (Fig. 9). It includes creating sub-navigation or in other words index with clear categorization
                    (Fig. 10).</p>
                <div class="photos-wrapper full-width">
                    <div class="photos photo-grid one-part"><img src="https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2020/c/c1/T--Vilnius-Lithuania--gd-mainpage.png"></div>
                <p class="photo-desc"><b>Figure 9. </b>Main Wiki navigation divided into two components to separate large chunks of information</p>
                <div class="photos-wrapper full-width">
                    <div class="photos photo-grid two-part"><img src="https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2020/c/c3/T--Vilnius-Lithuania--gd-index.png">
                        <svg id="nav-svg" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="0 0 110.94 471.79"><title>nav</title><circle cx="55.47" cy="55.47" r="55.47" style="fill:#f1f1f3"/><text transform="translate(42.38 60.31)" style="font-size:12px;font-family:'montserrat-black', Montserrat, sans-serif;font-weight:800">ALL</text><circle cx="55.47" cy="296.04" r="55.47" style="fill:#fdd66a"/><text transform="translate(16.99 300.97)" style="font-size:12px;font-family:'montserrat-black', Montserrat, sans-serif;font-weight:800"><tspan style="letter-spacing:-0.014973958333333334em">C</tspan><tspan x="8.75" y="0">OM</tspan><tspan x="30.37" y="0" style="letter-spacing:-0.045003255208333336em">P</tspan><tspan x="38.75" y="0">ANIES</tspan></text><circle cx="55.47" cy="416.32" r="55.47" style="fill:#6181eb"/><text transform="translate(26.69 420.74)" style="font-size:12px;fill:#f9f9fb;font-family:'montserrat-black', Montserrat, sans-serif;font-weight:800">SOCIE<tspan x="39.26" y="0" style="letter-spacing:-0.02001953125em">T</tspan><tspan x="46.87" y="0" style="letter-spacing:0.00008138020833333333em">Y</tspan></text><circle cx="55.47" cy="175.75" r="55.47" style="fill:#131313"/><text transform="translate(19.1 179.99)" style="font-size:12px;fill:#f9f9fb;font-family:'montserrat-black', Montserrat, sans-serif;font-weight:800;letter-spacing:-0.009969075520833334em">ACADEMIA</text></svg>
                <p class="photo-desc"><b>Figure 10. </b>Pages with complex structure have either a special index for quickly finding information or call-to-action buttons which filter information</p>
                <p class="content-paragraph">To improve the transparency of what is going on in the page and predictability of the quantity of the information, we incorporated <b>visual cues</b> to indicate the progress while scrolling throughout the Wiki page (Fig. 11). Also, we
                    noticed that with some graphic elements, people did not interact, thus, we included arrows with text cues.</p>
                <div class="photos-wrapper full-width">
                    <div class="photos photo-grid three-part"><svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="0 0 37.53 123.93"><title>indicators</title><circle cx="5.73" cy="5.73" r="5.73" style="fill:#6181ec"/><circle cx="5.73" cy="22.23" r="5.73" style="fill:#6181ec"/><circle cx="5.73" cy="37.88" r="5.73" style="fill:#6181ec"/><path d="M5.73,48.79A4.73,4.73,0,1,1,1,53.52a4.73,4.73,0,0,1,4.73-4.73m0-1a5.73,5.73,0,1,0,5.73,5.73,5.74,5.74,0,0,0-5.73-5.73Z" style="fill:#6281ef"/><path d="M5.73,96.77A4.74,4.74,0,1,1,1,101.5a4.74,4.74,0,0,1,4.73-4.73m0-1a5.74,5.74,0,1,0,5.73,5.73,5.74,5.74,0,0,0-5.73-5.73Z" style="fill:#6281ef"/><path d="M5.73,64.43A4.74,4.74,0,1,1,1,69.17a4.74,4.74,0,0,1,4.73-4.74m0-1a5.74,5.74,0,1,0,5.73,5.74,5.74,5.74,0,0,0-5.73-5.74Z" style="fill:#6281ef"/><path d="M5.73,80.08A4.73,4.73,0,1,1,1,84.81a4.73,4.73,0,0,1,4.73-4.73m0-1a5.73,5.73,0,1,0,5.73,5.73,5.74,5.74,0,0,0-5.73-5.73Z" style="fill:#6281ef"/><path d="M5.73,113.47A4.73,4.73,0,1,1,1,118.2a4.73,4.73,0,0,1,4.73-4.73m0-1a5.73,5.73,0,1,0,5.73,5.73,5.73,5.73,0,0,0-5.73-5.73Z" style="fill:#6281ef"/><line x1="27.8" y1="25.23" x2="27.8" y2="101.64" style="fill:none;stroke:#6281ef;stroke-linecap:round;stroke-miterlimit:10;stroke-width:3px"/><line x1="19.58" y1="33.45" x2="27.8" y2="25.23" style="fill:none;stroke:#6281ef;stroke-linecap:round;stroke-miterlimit:10;stroke-width:3px"/><line x1="36.03" y1="33.31" x2="28.1" y2="25.37" style="fill:none;stroke:#6281ef;stroke-linecap:round;stroke-miterlimit:10;stroke-width:3px"/></svg>
                        <svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="0 0 7 220.49"><title>scrollbar</title><rect width="7" height="220.49" rx="3.5" style="fill:#ccd6f7"/><rect width="7" height="86.02" rx="3.18" style="fill:#6181ec"/></svg> <svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"
                            viewBox="0 0 167.38 207.89"><title>arrow</title><circle cx="137.38" cy="177.89" r="30" style="fill:#ffd762"/><path d="M130.76,164.53,144,177.83l-13.23,13.4" transform="translate(0 0)" style="fill:none;stroke:#121212;stroke-linecap:round;stroke-linejoin:round;stroke-width:6px"/><path d="M144,177.94H53.88V69.7" transform="translate(0 0)" style="fill:none;stroke:#121212;stroke-linecap:round;stroke-linejoin:round;stroke-width:5px"/><text transform="translate(15.27 20.6)" style="isolation:isolate;font-size:24px;font-family:'lato-regular', Lato, sans-serif">Click to</text><text transform="translate(0 49.6)" style="isolation:isolate;font-size:24px;font-family:'lato-regular', Lato, sans-serif">read more</text></svg>
                <p class="photo-desc"><b>Figure 11. </b>Visual cues improves discoverability of the unusual features in the web and informs the user about their progress</p>
                <p class="content-paragraph">Lastly, we added navigation options in the footer of the Wiki page to find the content’s structure and contact information.</p>
                <div class="h3">Responsiveness</div>
                <p class="content-paragraph">An increasing number of people use mobile devices to surf the web, thus, it is important to design a website, which is responsive or in other words expands or contracts to fit the user's screen. The responsive design adjusts the content,
                    navigation and graphic components, in return, it makes the experience much more smooth and it is easier to navigate through the Wiki page without scrolling horizontally or pinching the screen to see written information on smaller screens
                    for example. </p>
                <p class="content-paragraph">Keeping in mind desktop, tablet, mobile device and other screen sizes in between, we optimized the hierarchy of the pages, making sure that the content would resize properly and key navigation buttons were easily accessible (Fig. 12).</p>
                <div class="photos-wrapper full-width">
                    <div class="photos photo-grid two-part" id="team"><img src="https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2020/9/99/T--Vilnius-Lithuania--gd-desktop.png"><img src="https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2020/2/2d/T--Vilnius-Lithuania--gd-mobile.png"></div>
                <p class="photo-desc"><b>Figure 12. </b>Responsive team page design</p>
                <div class="references beforeWave">
                        <li id="cit1">Akhtaruzzaman, M. & Shafie, A. Geometrical Substantiation of Phi, the Golden Ratio and the Baroque of Nature, Architecture, Design and Engineering. <i>International Journal of Arts</i> <b>1</b>, 1-22 (2012).</li>
                        <li id="cit2">Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0. W3.org (2020). at 'https://www.w3.org/TR/WCAG20/'</li>
                        <li id="cit3">Color Universal Design Handbook. <i>Webcube-general.s3.amazonaws.com</i> (2020). at 'https://webcube-general.s3.amazonaws.com/eizo/media/contentassets/2015/10/09/handbook.pdf'</li>
                        <li id="cit4">Proctor, R. & Schneider, D. Hick’s law for choice reaction time: A review. <i>Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology</i> <b>71</b>, 1281-1299 (2018).</li>
<script type="text/javascript" src="https://2020.igem.org/wiki/index.php?title=Template:Vilnius-Lithuania/JSON/TX&action=raw&ctype=text/javascript"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="https://2020.igem.org/wiki/index.php?title=Template:Vilnius-Lithuania/js/lottie.js&action=raw&ctype=text/javascript"></script>
        let lot = lottie.loadAnimation({
            container: document.querySelector("#animations"),
            renderer: "svg",
            loop: true,
            autoplay: true,
            animationData: animTx,
            assetsPath: "https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2020/"

Latest revision as of 00:15, 4 December 2020


Effective communication is the key to successful representation of one's work to other people. In particular, graphic design is crucial for clear communication and is a powerful tool to increase the usability of the website for people with diverse abilities. Hence, suitable visualisation approaches are vital for explaining complex concepts and methodologies, since it is easier for the reader to grasp main ideas.

We were inspired by bold, experimental and almost minimalistic websites in which every detail is intentional and functional. Our main priority was navigability, legibility and good user experience without losing the joy of experimenting with the web design for the Wiki page.


To establish the project's personality, immerse users in the experience and make it more memorable, we outlined key points that we wanted to communicate with our project. In addition, it is easier to define and execute a cohesive visual identity, in turn, users are more likely to remember the project.

Project Characteristics
  • modern

  • sophisticated

  • flowing

  • trustworthy

  • cold water fish

  • yellow-coloured Flavobacteria

  • flow

  • deep waters


The text represents around 90% of all the information on the web. Typography is crucial to amplify the language, it’s like the clothing for words as it changes how the user interprets and comprehends written information.

To establish our project identity and clearly communicate scientific concepts, we chose a combination of sans serif fonts - Montserrat and Lato.

Colour Scheme

To reflect our project’s brand style and apply colour to the Wiki page in a meaningful way, we carefully designed our colour palette for light and dark themes (Fig. 1). Also, we applied the same colour scheme for our software “onFlow” and human practices dedicated “The 6th SynBio Sense” websites.

Figure 1. Our team's brand colour palette and it's light & dark themes

As colour can communicate tone and critical information, we chose black and white as background colours to convey sophistication and simplicity. For the primary colour, we picked two shades of blue, which indicates the water theme. From the psychological aspect, people associated blue with reliability and serenity. Yellow was chosen as the accent shade, which represents one of the main subjects of the project - yellow Flavobacteria. Also, the yellow colour is attention grabbing, optimistic and evokes creativity—ideal combination for our project identity.


Logo is the foundation of the brand identity and sets the tone for the story you are trying to tell with your project (Fig. 2). We paid a lot of attention to details while creating the logo. For example, we made it responsive to different screen sizes and created positive as well as negative versions of the logo for the printing, scanning purposes and guarantees its visibility on any background (Fig. 3). In addition, the logo was designed with the Golden Ratio principle to achieve harmonious and balanced feel(Fig. 4)1.

Figure 2. The meaning behind the three main parts of the logo

Figure 3. Responsiveness of the logo for different screen sizes as well as positive and negative versions of the logo

Figure 4. Scheme of using the Golden Ratio to design fish visualisation for our logo


We paid great attention to creating informative animations, which illustrate the main ideas of our project. In fact, motion graphics maintain the reader's focus, it provides deeper meaning and depicts more accurate information with coherent transitions and dynamic elements (Fig. 5). The animations were created by using Adobe Illustrator and After Effects software.

Figure 5. An example of animation, created for the Design page of our Wiki


To enhance the usability of our Wiki page and make it more enjoyable to a wider range of audience, we realized that colour could be a good starting point for creating a more accessible web as it ensures text legibility and distinguishes important elements in the design.

According to the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG)2, sufficient colour contrast helps users to see and interact with the right elements of the web. WCAG 2.0 level AA require contrast ratio of at least 4.5:1 for normal text and 3:1 for large text (Fig. 6)

Figure 6. Evaluations of WCAG 2.0 level AA contrast ratio requirements for different text color schemes

We also took into consideration how to accurately convey information for colourblind people. Colour Universal Design (CUD) system, which was developed for thoughtful use of colour to ensure that colourblind people are not at the disadvantage, while using the web (Fig. 7). This is also known as the “colour barrier-free” approach3.

Figure 7. A comparison of the vision between colourblind people who have deuteranopia and people with common-type vision

Therefore, we soft-proofed our colour scheme and saw that, indeed, blue and yellow shades were a good choice for Wiki page design and other websites (Fig. 8).

Figure 8. A – original colour palette. Two types of colorblindness: B – protanopia, C – deuteranopia.


Navigation is the cornerstone of web usability. Having good navigability allows users to better orient themselves on the website and quickly find information. Understanding psychology behind how humans interact with products or services helps to create an efficient website.

For our design, we applied Hick’s law, which states that the more choices one has, the longer it takes to make a decision. Also, Hick’s law effectiveness was proven in the design of the software menu, control display and content layout 4. Limiting options for the users help them efficiently navigate throughout the page.

We put into practices this law by breaking up information into separate graphic components, content containers with only essential information (Fig. 9). It includes creating sub-navigation or in other words index with clear categorization (Fig. 10).

Figure 9. Main Wiki navigation divided into two components to separate large chunks of information


Figure 10. Pages with complex structure have either a special index for quickly finding information or call-to-action buttons which filter information

To improve the transparency of what is going on in the page and predictability of the quantity of the information, we incorporated visual cues to indicate the progress while scrolling throughout the Wiki page (Fig. 11). Also, we noticed that with some graphic elements, people did not interact, thus, we included arrows with text cues.

indicators scrollbar arrowClick toread more

Figure 11. Visual cues improves discoverability of the unusual features in the web and informs the user about their progress

Lastly, we added navigation options in the footer of the Wiki page to find the content’s structure and contact information.


An increasing number of people use mobile devices to surf the web, thus, it is important to design a website, which is responsive or in other words expands or contracts to fit the user's screen. The responsive design adjusts the content, navigation and graphic components, in return, it makes the experience much more smooth and it is easier to navigate through the Wiki page without scrolling horizontally or pinching the screen to see written information on smaller screens for example.

Keeping in mind desktop, tablet, mobile device and other screen sizes in between, we optimized the hierarchy of the pages, making sure that the content would resize properly and key navigation buttons were easily accessible (Fig. 12).

Figure 12. Responsive team page design


  1. Akhtaruzzaman, M. & Shafie, A. Geometrical Substantiation of Phi, the Golden Ratio and the Baroque of Nature, Architecture, Design and Engineering. International Journal of Arts 1, 1-22 (2012).
  2. Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0. W3.org (2020). at 'https://www.w3.org/TR/WCAG20/'
  3. Color Universal Design Handbook. Webcube-general.s3.amazonaws.com (2020). at 'https://webcube-general.s3.amazonaws.com/eizo/media/contentassets/2015/10/09/handbook.pdf'
  4. Proctor, R. & Schneider, D. Hick’s law for choice reaction time: A review. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology 71, 1281-1299 (2018).