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         <li><a href="#ins">Inspiration</a></li>
         <li><a href="#edu">Education</a></li>
         <li><a href="#dec">Detection of Dengue Virus</a>
         <li><a href="#edut">Educational Tool</a></li>
         <li><a href="#dendetx">Dengue Virus Detection Kit (DENDETX)</a>
         <li><a href="#media">Media</a></li>
        <li><a href="#comm">Communication</a></li>
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             <p>Dengue fever is a disease that affects tropical and subtropical regions, where the population density is relatively high. <b>Half of the world population</b> is under the threat of dengue fever, with <b>390 million infections</b> every year. This number greatly exceeds the number of cases of COVID-19, which was about 25 million by September 1, 2020, causing dengue fever to be listed by WHO as a <b>top 10 health threat.</b></p>
             <h3>Cheng-He Confucian Academic Center</h3>
            <p>"Science without religion is lame, religion without science is blind." ~Albert Einstein</p>
             <p>Dengue fever can progress into more serious conditions known as <b>dengue hemorrhagic fever (DHF)</b> or <b>dengue shock syndrome (DSS)</b>. An estimated <b>500,000 patients</b> will develop into DHF or DSS, which results in about <b>25,000 deaths</b> every year.</p>
             <p>Cheng-He Confucian Academic Center is a <b>religious education center</b> devoted to education in the <b>I-Kuan Tao</b>, a Chinese salvationist religion in Taiwan. Chances to learn about science are quite rare in that setting. However, we wished to <b>break the gap between science and religion</b>, helping students in a religious education center to <b>overcome the limitations</b> of the study location and <b>have the opportunity to learn science</b>. Thus, we shared our idea with Cheng-He Confucian Academic Center and were offered a chance to introduce science to the children.</p>
             <p>If proper medical treatment is not taken or if a person has previously been infected, dengue fever patients will have higher risk of developing <b>dengue hemorrhagic fever (DHF)</b>. This usually happens between the 3rd to 7th day of dengue fever cycle. Patients in this phase begin bleeding in organs and pleural effusion. Those symptoms contribute to increasing vascular permeability, which will cause the leakage of plasma and a <b>mortality rate of 20%</b>.</p>
             <p>We were fully aware that it’s impossible to grasp lots of scientific knowledge in one class, especially in a situation where they have little contact with science. Thus, we designed the lessons with hand-on activities, trying to <b>spark children’s interest</b> about science in a fun and interactive way.</p>
             <p>If the condition becomes worse, patients will go into <b>dengue shock syndrome (DSS)</b>. Symptoms of DSS include a sudden drop in blood pressure, severe abdominal pain, vomiting and restlessness, increasing the <b>mortality rate to 40%</b>. Once a patient goes into DSS, it can be <b>fatal within 12 to 24 hours</b>.</p>
             <p>Spatially, we decided to let the children sit around us instead of sitting on chairs as we wanted them to feel relaxed and free. In our lesson plan, as the children we taught were from 4 years old to 14 years old, we decided to carry out the lesson in a <b>story-telling way</b> with small games and also <b>hands-on activities.</b></p>
             <p>Taiwan, which is in the subtropical region, is under the threat of dengue virus. There was an outbreak of dengue fever in southern Taiwan, Kaohsiung and Tainan, from 2014 to 2015. There were over 44,000 confirmed cases in an epidemic that spread from Tainan to other cities, causing 220 deaths. Although the threat of dengue fever has historically been greater in southern Taiwan, according to TCDC (Taiwan Center of Disease Control) statistics, in 2020 there was <b>local transmission</b> of dengue fever in Taoyuan, in northern Taiwan, showing that the <b>potentially affected population is increasing</b>.</p>
             <p>We started the lesson with an <b>introduction to genes</b>, as they are an important part of the human body and also the basis of synthetic biology. We introduced <b>DNA</b> by explaining the structure and how it plays its roles in the human body. To disseminate the knowledge in an easy to understand way, we described it as a <b>blueprint of the human body</b> with a structure like a ladder. We explained the <b>complementary pairing of the four nitrogenous bases</b>. To consolidate this concept, they <b>constructed their own DNA</b> using adhesive tape and straws of four different colors. The adhesive tape represented the backbone of DNA and each color straw represented a nitrogenous base, so they had to combine them in the right way based on the complementarity rule.</p>
             <p>However, there are <b>no effective treatments or vaccines</b> for dengue infections. The use of the vaccine is still highly restricted for most countries in Asia. Thus, health care systems are still facing a huge challenge from dengue fever.</p>
             <p>We also introduced the concept of <b>genotype and phenotype</b> and <b>how dominant and recessive genes influenced human phenotypes</b>. We tried to explain to them in a more interactive way using the analogy of the dominant gene as an elder brother with the recessive gene as a younger brother. The elder brother who is more aggressive always bullies the younger brother, which results in expression of only the dominant gene most of the time. As most of them had siblings, they could easily understand and remember this concept.</p>
            <p>We also introduced <b>gel electrophoresis</b> by describing it as a <b>camera for genes</b> that can show the differences between genes. When teaching them how DNA migrates towards the positive electrode, we used an analogy that larger strands DNA were bulky so they run slower while smaller strands could run faster. Lastly, we explained the <b>concept of BioBricks</b> in a simple manner by asking them to draw a dinosaur based on the features we provided. They chose their favorite features, and arranged them in the ‘plasmid’ we had prepared, so that the ‘plasmid’ would ‘express’ the features of the dinosaur they wanted!</p>
            <p>We found the lecture <b>a huge success</b> as they <b>showed great interest in science</b>, kept asking questions during the lesson, and could clearly remember the contents we taught when we asked questions at the end. We were impressed by their enthusiasm as it demonstrated that <b>our attempt was right and effective.</b></p>
            <p>However, we knew that only one three-hour lesson was definitely not enough for enduring understanding and to get a taste for science, so we went there <b>a second time</b>.</p>
            <p>We shared a knowledge of <b>viruses</b> during the second lesson. We introduced the structure of different viruses, followed by a hands-on activity of <b>making a model of a bacteriophage</b>. As with the children’s storybook, we discussed the <b>characteristic of viruses, transmission routes</b> and also <b>ways to prevent dengue infection</b>. We also emphasized the <b>importance of practicing good hygiene</b>.</p>
            <p>Through this meaningful event, we successfully <b>reached out to a younger community</b> to <b>share our passion</b> about biology and <b>inspire them to step into the world of science</b>. We hope that this inspiration would be passed on to more and more people by our efforts.</p>

Revision as of 08:20, 7 October 2020



Cheng-He Confucian Academic Center

"Science without religion is lame, religion without science is blind." ~Albert Einstein

Cheng-He Confucian Academic Center is a religious education center devoted to education in the I-Kuan Tao, a Chinese salvationist religion in Taiwan. Chances to learn about science are quite rare in that setting. However, we wished to break the gap between science and religion, helping students in a religious education center to overcome the limitations of the study location and have the opportunity to learn science. Thus, we shared our idea with Cheng-He Confucian Academic Center and were offered a chance to introduce science to the children.

We were fully aware that it’s impossible to grasp lots of scientific knowledge in one class, especially in a situation where they have little contact with science. Thus, we designed the lessons with hand-on activities, trying to spark children’s interest about science in a fun and interactive way.

Spatially, we decided to let the children sit around us instead of sitting on chairs as we wanted them to feel relaxed and free. In our lesson plan, as the children we taught were from 4 years old to 14 years old, we decided to carry out the lesson in a story-telling way with small games and also hands-on activities.

We started the lesson with an introduction to genes, as they are an important part of the human body and also the basis of synthetic biology. We introduced DNA by explaining the structure and how it plays its roles in the human body. To disseminate the knowledge in an easy to understand way, we described it as a blueprint of the human body with a structure like a ladder. We explained the complementary pairing of the four nitrogenous bases. To consolidate this concept, they constructed their own DNA using adhesive tape and straws of four different colors. The adhesive tape represented the backbone of DNA and each color straw represented a nitrogenous base, so they had to combine them in the right way based on the complementarity rule.

We also introduced the concept of genotype and phenotype and how dominant and recessive genes influenced human phenotypes. We tried to explain to them in a more interactive way using the analogy of the dominant gene as an elder brother with the recessive gene as a younger brother. The elder brother who is more aggressive always bullies the younger brother, which results in expression of only the dominant gene most of the time. As most of them had siblings, they could easily understand and remember this concept.

We also introduced gel electrophoresis by describing it as a camera for genes that can show the differences between genes. When teaching them how DNA migrates towards the positive electrode, we used an analogy that larger strands DNA were bulky so they run slower while smaller strands could run faster. Lastly, we explained the concept of BioBricks in a simple manner by asking them to draw a dinosaur based on the features we provided. They chose their favorite features, and arranged them in the ‘plasmid’ we had prepared, so that the ‘plasmid’ would ‘express’ the features of the dinosaur they wanted!

We found the lecture a huge success as they showed great interest in science, kept asking questions during the lesson, and could clearly remember the contents we taught when we asked questions at the end. We were impressed by their enthusiasm as it demonstrated that our attempt was right and effective.

However, we knew that only one three-hour lesson was definitely not enough for enduring understanding and to get a taste for science, so we went there a second time.

We shared a knowledge of viruses during the second lesson. We introduced the structure of different viruses, followed by a hands-on activity of making a model of a bacteriophage. As with the children’s storybook, we discussed the characteristic of viruses, transmission routes and also ways to prevent dengue infection. We also emphasized the importance of practicing good hygiene.

Through this meaningful event, we successfully reached out to a younger community to share our passion about biology and inspire them to step into the world of science. We hope that this inspiration would be passed on to more and more people by our efforts.

Detection of Dengue Virus

To overcome the huge challenge of dengue fever, we want to develop a novel detection device. A transmembrane protein, C-type lectin domain family 5 member A (CLEC5A), usually found on macrophages and dendritic cells, is a critical receptor for the dengue virus infection. When CLEC5A interacts with the envelope protein (E protein) of dengue virus, it can lead to downstream transduction and cytokine storm, causing the high mortality of DSS. This inspired us to consider whether the binding of CLEC5A and E protein could be utilized to detect dengue virus.

However, CLEC5A is a large transmembrane protein, making it both difficult to induce overexpression and also difficult to purify. Therefore, we chose several parts of CLEC5A which we speculate will interact with the E protein to design short peptides of about 1.3 kDa, which serve as a detection reagent instead of full-length CLEC5A.

We used Rosetta simulation to check whether the peptides can interact with E protein or not. We also produced an E protein from the bl046 strain of dengue virus using E.coli, so we can test the interaction.

Dengue Virus Detection Kit (DENDETX)

Our test is designed to detect whole virus particles in blood samples, based on the binding between E proteins from dengue virus and TRSs. The proposed mechanism of the test is as follows:

  1. The sample is dropped on the sample pad.
  2. Gold nanoparticle with TRS1 binds to virus particles in the sample in the conjugate pad.
  3. The virus particles will be restrained on the test line via an interaction between TRS2 and virus particles, showing a red band of gold nanoparticles indicating a positive result.
  4. Gold nanoparticles with TRS1 bind to the E proteins mounted on the control line also producing a red band to confirm the test works properly.

Figure1. Dengue Virus Detection Kit (DENDETX)

We hope early detection can allow patients to get proper medical care sooner to minimize the mortality.