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We are engineering the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae to sense the presence of inflammation biomarkers (interleukins/cytokines) in human sweat. The yeast is located inside a sweat patch specifically designed for this purpose. Our SPY (Sweat Patch with Yeast) device is placed on the skin, where it continually collects sweat from the patient. The yeast expresses a colored pigment to reflect the level of a certain interleukin of choice. The vision is a modular design, allowing for easy swap of the interleukin receptor in the yeast, so the patch can be tailored to the need of the individual patient group. The yeast is powered by designed receptors that boast very high sensitivity and selectivity, coupled with an efficient pheromone pathway for signal amplification. The SPY can be photographed with a specialized app to analyze the exact level of coloration regardless of light conditions.   
Our project is founded on previous research showing the presence of interleukins IL-1β, IL-6 or IL-10 (ILs) in sweat [4,5,6], and the correlation with their respective levels in blood [5]. The CIDosis patch implementation is based on an engineered S. cerevisiae (baker’s yeast) biosensor capable of detecting the inflammation markers IL1, 6 and 10. The activation of the biosensor leads to the expression of a pigment biosynthesis gene and further to the accumulation of a colored compound. The biosensor will be located inside a patch specifically designed to sit on the skin and continuously collect sweat from the wearer. Once interleukins from the sweat reach our patch, our yeast receptors will sense these, and produce the aforementioned colored pigment corresponding to the level of the IL in question.
The biosensor design (Fig. 1) relies on the dimerization of modified human IL receptors on the yeast plasma membrane upon activation by their respective ligands. The modified receptors contain a synthetic transcription factor bound on their intracellular side that can be released upon dimerization of the receptors. Specifically, dimerization of the receptors leads to the co-localization of two halves of a split-actuator protein, which, when re- united, leads to cleavage of the protein resulting in the release of the transcription factor. The synthetic transcription factor, in turn, binds a specific synthetic promoter and finally activates the expression of the colorimetric reporter gene.
Our vision is a modular design, allowing for easy swap of the interleukin receptor in the yeast, so the patch can be tailored to the need of the individual patient group. The yeast is powered by designed receptors that boast very high sensitivity and selectivity, coupled with an efficient pheromone pathway for signal amplification. The SPY can be photographed with a specialized app to analyze the exact level of coloration regardless of light conditions.   
The detailed step of the scientific development includes: 
<b>Interleukin receptor modification</b>
Human interleukin receptors are cloned into yeast, via a fusion between the extracellular receptor domain and an endogenous yeast transmembrane protein. Successful ligand-receptor binding is tested via a common split-ubiquitin signal assay.
<b>Hijacking the yeast pheromone pathway </b>
The interleukin signal is amplified for more precise measurement by hijacking the signal amplification steps of the pheromone pathway in yeast. Endogenous G-alpha proteins are modified to induce the pathway upon ligand-receptor binding.
<b>Signal transduction via color expression </b>
The signal pathway will, post amplification, induce the transcription of a colorful pigment that will then be expressed in the yeast cell, resulting in a clear, visual color change of the yeast colony.

Revision as of 12:20, 25 August 2020

Project description
& inspiration

Defining the problem

Chronic inflammatory diseases (CIDs), such as arthritis, asthma and inflammatory bowel disease, are life-long, debilitating illnesses, where patients suffer from chronic pain, fatigue, swelling and fever. Due to the complicated disease profiles, treatments of CIDs do not always work and there is usually a long search process for the right treatment [1-3].
Generally, people who suffer from CID’s need to monitor their conditions closely. This may include regular hospital visits to measure levels of inflammation and monitor disease progression. These visits are not only time consuming but also mentally exhausting to the patients. Not only do the visits remind patients of their illness, but the time spent on transport and testing is a life-long burden to the individual. Current methods for disease tracking are almost exclusively invasive and include blood sampling and, occasionally, more comprehensive procedures such as endoscopies. Invasive methods of testing are not only expensive and unpleasant, but also require well-trained personnel and can lead to complications. In addition, they do not allow the patient to self-monitor, requiring regular hospital visits.
Conclusively, suffering from a chronic inflammatory disease can be extremely exhausting both physically and mentally. Although wide research is being conducted in regards to the treatment of all types of inflammatory diseases, not many monitoring devices exist to make it easier for the individual living with a CID. In order to improve the quality of life for patients worldwide, we have created CIDosis.

Our Solution

With CIDosis, we provide a non-invasive device, allowing CID patients to monitor their own inflammation status. CIDosis aims to improve the quality of life of patients who suffer from chronic inflammatory diseases by providing a patch that will detect levels of inflammatory markers in their sweat. This patch can be placed under the armpit of the patient where it will be continuously collecting sweat during the day, resulting in a color output corresponding to the inflammatory status.
Our self-monitoring patch, CIDosis, is an easy-to-use, non-invasive device, suitable for home use, and will decrease the need for frequent hospital visits, thereby making life easier for the patients. It allows for transparency for the patient regarding their disease progression and is a tool that can help them discover the best self-management strategy for their disease. Not only can it alleviate the burden of hospital visits, but it can provide valuable information on the therapeutic efficacy of certain drugs, allowing for faster treatment adjustments and continuous dosage regulations as the disease progresses.
We envision the use of this patch as a future self-monitoring system for patients suffering from inflammatory diseases worldwide. With the CIDosis patch they have access to a cheap, non-invasive method to measure their daily inflammation and track their condition in an easy way. The utility of such a device is extensive and can alleviate the struggles of many patient groups from Crohn’s disease to Rheumatoid Arthritis.
insert picture

Scientific approach

Our project is founded on previous research showing the presence of interleukins IL-1β, IL-6 or IL-10 (ILs) in sweat [4,5,6], and the correlation with their respective levels in blood [5]. The CIDosis patch implementation is based on an engineered S. cerevisiae (baker’s yeast) biosensor capable of detecting the inflammation markers IL1, 6 and 10. The activation of the biosensor leads to the expression of a pigment biosynthesis gene and further to the accumulation of a colored compound. The biosensor will be located inside a patch specifically designed to sit on the skin and continuously collect sweat from the wearer. Once interleukins from the sweat reach our patch, our yeast receptors will sense these, and produce the aforementioned colored pigment corresponding to the level of the IL in question.

The biosensor design (Fig. 1) relies on the dimerization of modified human IL receptors on the yeast plasma membrane upon activation by their respective ligands. The modified receptors contain a synthetic transcription factor bound on their intracellular side that can be released upon dimerization of the receptors. Specifically, dimerization of the receptors leads to the co-localization of two halves of a split-actuator protein, which, when re- united, leads to cleavage of the protein resulting in the release of the transcription factor. The synthetic transcription factor, in turn, binds a specific synthetic promoter and finally activates the expression of the colorimetric reporter gene.

Our vision is a modular design, allowing for easy swap of the interleukin receptor in the yeast, so the patch can be tailored to the need of the individual patient group. The yeast is powered by designed receptors that boast very high sensitivity and selectivity, coupled with an efficient pheromone pathway for signal amplification. The SPY can be photographed with a specialized app to analyze the exact level of coloration regardless of light conditions.


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Project Description

Bronze Medal Criterion #3

Describe how and why you chose your iGEM project.

Please see the 2020 Medals Page for more information.

What should this page contain?

  • A clear and concise description of your project.
  • A detailed explanation of why your team chose to work on this particular project.
  • References and sources to document your research.
  • Use illustrations and other visual resources to explain your project.


See how other teams have described and presented their projects:

Advice on writing your Project Description

We encourage you to put up a lot of information and content on your wiki, but we also encourage you to include summaries as much as possible. If you think of the sections in your project description as the sections in a publication, you should try to be concise, accurate, and unambiguous in your achievements. Your Project Description should include more information than your project abstract.


iGEM teams are encouraged to record references you use during the course of your research. They should be posted somewhere on your wiki so that judges and other visitors can see how you thought about your project and what works inspired you.

About us

We are 9 undergrad and grad students representing University

of Denmark. With out project CIDOSIS, we aim to improve

the lifes of people with Chronic Inflammatory Diseases


University of Copenhagen

Thorvaldsensvej 40, Frederiksberg C
