Team:CCU Taiwan/Education


Dengue fever Informational Audio Recording in Taiwanese Hokkien

Various studies have reported that the elderly have a higher risk of developing severe dengue. However, we found that many of the elderly were not aware that they are in the high-risk group for severe dengue. To raise their awareness on dengue, we planned to carry out a dengue fever information campaign.

However, the biggest barriers by getting in touch with them and making them accessible to science is language. Taiwanese Hokkien is the most widely used language by elderly in Taiwan and some of them can only speak and understand Taiwanese Hokkien. To reach out to the elderly community, we decided to disseminate the knowledge about dengue in Taiwanese Hokkien.

We collaborated with a senior citizen service center in Douliu city. The elderly there helped us to translate the Chinese dengue informational script into Taiwanese Hokkien and record a 6-minute audio.

We tried to eliminate public misunderstanding of dengue in this informational audio. Thus, we introduced the severity of dengue in Taiwan, emphasizing that it was a public issue that everyone in Taiwan should be concerned about. We also explained the symptoms of dengue fever cases and strategy for dengue prevention in daily life, leading them to think of the importance of early detection in treatment and prevention of dengue.

They paid close attention to this activity. They make a lot of annotations on the script and practiced repeatedly before recording the audio to present their best. We were surprised and also delighted with their earnest interest.

We worked hard to overcome the barrier of language and educate the elderly community on dengue prevention, and were amazed to see the effect of interacting with the elderly community at large by allowing them to participate and contribute in the communication of science.

Radio interview

To reach out to a larger community, we were invited by Taiwan National Education Radio to have an interview. Thorough this interview, we introduced the concept of synthetic biology and explained the main purpose of iGEM. We also popularized the issue of the epidemic situation of dengue in Taiwan to arouse people’s attention about dengue. Lastly, we took this opportunity to share our project and how we applied synthetic biology in our project.

Thorough that interview, we hope to influence more people and light up their interest in science.

Social media

Facebook, Instagram and Dcard are the social media most commonly used by teenagers and young adults in Taiwan, so we used them as a platform to reach and connect to the young community. We introduced knowledge about synthetic biology in a simple “for dummies” format, making the knowledge more approachable to a young audience.

We also shared news articles about dengue infections in Taiwan, hoping to awaken their awareness about dengue and encourage them to think about what they can do on this issue.

We spent effort on design and typography, as we wished to attract their attention and stimulate their interest. We also tried to reach out and collaborate with other iGEM teams on Instagram to reach more people and interact with the worldwide iGEM community.