Investigators: Niko Klassen & Philipp Kühnel
Superior Experiment: Nanobody grafting
Procedure: Buffer and media prepared
Investigators: Niko Klassen & Philipp Kühnel
Superior Experiment: ScFv grafting
Procedure: Buffer and media prepared
Investigators: Stephan Weber
Superior Experiment: Nanobody grafting
Procedure: Streak out of E.coli DH5α on LB-plates
Investigators: Stephan Weber
Superior Experiment: Nanobody grafting
Procedure: Phages M13K07 frozen away
Team: ScFv
Investigators: Stephan Weber
Superior Experiment: ScFv grafting
Procedure: Overnight culture of E.coli DH5α in LB-media
Team: ScFv
Investigators: Philipp Kühnel
Superior Experiment: ScFv grafting
Procedure: Plasmid isolation
Team: Nanobodys
Investigators: Stephan Weber
Superior Experiment: Nanobody grafting
Procedure: Testrun of eror prone PCR of pSB1A3 with Q5 polymerase
Team: Nanobodys
Investigators: Laura Keller & Stephan Weber
Superior Experiment: Nanobody grafting
Procedure: Amplication of Helper Phage M13K07
Team: Nanobodys
Investigators: Philipp Kühnel
Superior Experiment: Nanobody grafting
Procedure: Culture overnight with E.coli ER2738
Team: Nanobodys
Investigators: Philipp Kühnel & Laura Keller
Superior Experiment: Nanobody grafting
Procedure: Culture overnight with E.coli ER2738
Team: ScFv
Investigators: Laura Keller
Superior Experiment: ScFv grafting
Procedure: Preparation of SOC-media and TBS-buffer
Investigators: Stephan Weber
Superior Experiment: Nanobody grafting
Procedure: Eroro prone PCR of pSB1A3 with Taq, OneTaq and BioTaq polymerase, buffer prepared
2020-08-31 - 2020-09-06
Investigators: Stephan Weber & Neele Kusch
Superior Experiment: Nanobody grafting
Procedure: DPN1-digestion, Plasmid isolation
Investigators: Neele Kusch, Laura Keller, Stephan Weber, Marvin Geisler
Superior Experiment: Nanobody grafting
Procedure: Eror prone PCR of pSB1A3 with Taq and OneTaq polymerase
Investigators: Stephan Weber, Neele Kusch, Laura Keller
Procedure: PCR cleanup, gibson assembly, Heat shock transformation of E.coli DH5α with pJOE
Investigators: Stephan Weber & Neele Kusch
Superior Experiment: Nanobody grafting
Procedure: Digestion of pJOE with BAM2 and DPN1, heat shock transformation of E.coli DH5α with pJOE
Investigators: Stephan Weber & Neele Kusch
Superior Experiment: Nanobody grafting
Procedure: Colony PCR with Q5 polymerase
2020-09-07 - 2020-09-13
Investigators: Philipp Kühnel & Laura Keller
Superior Experiment: ScFv grafting
Procedure: PCR of ScFv with Q5 polymerase, PCR cleanup, gibson assembly, heat shock
transformation of E.coli DH5α with pTXB1
Investigators: Stephan Weber, Neele Kusch, Niko Klassen
Superior Experiment: Nanobody grafting
Procedure: Eror prone PCR of estradiol and progesteron nanobody with OneTaq polymerase
Team: ScFv
Investigators: Philipp Kühnel, Laura Keller, Tim Kettler
Superior Experiment: ScFv grafting
Procedure: Heat shock transformation of E.coli DH5α with pTXB1, overnight culturen of E.coliDH5α
Investigators: Stephan Weber & Neele Kusch
Superior Experiment: Nanobody grafting
Procedure: Gel electrophoresis of eror prone PCR, PCR cleanup
Team: Nanobodys
Investigators: Marvin Geisler
Superior Experiment: Nanobody grafting
Procedure: Preparation of antibiotics
Team: ScFv
Investigators: Philipp Kühnel & Laura Keller
Superior Experiment: ScFv grafting
Procedure: Production of competent E.coli DH5α, overnight culture of E.coli DH5α
Investigators: Niko Klassen & Tim Kettler
Superior Experiment: Nanobody grafting Procedure: Eror prone PCR of progesteron nanobody with OneTag polymerase
Team: Nanobodys
Investigators: Stephan Weber & Neele Kusch
Superior Experiment: Nanobody grafting
Procedure: Produktion of electro-competent E.coli ER2738
Investigators: Stephan Weber & Neele Kusch
Superior Experiment: Nanobody grafting
Procedure: Grandient PCR of estradiol and progesteron nanobody with OneTaq polymerase
Team: ScFv
Investigators: Philipp Kühnel & Laura Keller
Superior Experiment: ScFv grafting
Procedure: Plasmid isolation , PCR of ScFv with Taq polymerase, PCR cleanup, gibson assembly, heat shock tranformation of E.coli DH5α with pTXB1
Investigators: Philipp Kühnel & Laura Keller
Superior Experiment: ScFv grafting
Procedure: Overnight culture with E.coli DH5α, streak out on LB-plates
2020-09-14 - 2020-09-20
Investigators: Philipp Kühnel, Laura Keller, Tim kettler
Superior Experiment: ScFv grafting
Procedure: Culture with E.coli DH5α, streak out on LB-plates with ampicilin, Plasmid isolation
Team: Nanobodys
Investigators: Stephan Weber & Neele Kusch
Superior Experiment: Nanobody grafting
Procedure: Eror prone PCR of progesteron nanobody with OneTag polymerase
Investigators: Stephan Weber & Neele Kusch
Superior Experiment: Nanobody grafting
Procedure: Grandient PCR of progesteron nanobody with OneTaq, eror prone PCR with progesteron nanobody
Team: ScFv
Investigators: Tim Kettler
Superior Experiment: ScFv grafting
Procedure: Plasmid isolation , overnight culture with E.coli DH5α
Investigators: Stephan Weber
Superior Experiment: Nanobody grafting
Procedure: Eror prone PCR of progesteron nanobody with OneTag polymerase
Investigators: Stephan Weber & Neele Kusch
Superior Experiment: Nanobody grafting
Procedure: Grandient PCR of progesteron nanobody with OneTaq polymerase, PCR of progesteron nanobody with Phusion polymerase and PCR of stradiol nanobody with OneTaq polymerease
Investigators: Niko Klassen & Marvin Geisler
Superior Experiment: Nanobody grafting
Procedure: Gel electrophoresis
2020-09-21 - 2020-09-27
Investigators: Philipp Kühnel & Laura Keller
Superior Experiment: ScFv grafting
Procedure: Plasmid isolation, heat shock tranformation of E.coli DH5α with pTXB1
Team: Nanobodys
Investigators: Stephan Weber & Neele Kusch
Superior Experiment: Nanobody grafting
Procedure: Eror prone PCR of estradiol nanobody with OneTaq polymerase
Investigators: Philipp Kühnel & Laura Keller
Superior Experiment: ScFv grafting
Procedure: Culture with E.coli DH5α, preparatio of LB-plates with ampicillin
Team: Nanobodys
Investigators: Stephan Weber & Neele Kusch
Superior Experiment: Nanobody grafting
Procedure: Eror prone PCR of estradiol nanobody with OneTaq polymerase
Investigators: Melina Müller
Superior Experiment: FbFP caracterization
Procedure: PCR of pJOE and FbFP with Phusion polymerase, PCR cleanup, gibson assembly
Team: ScFv
Investigators: Philipp Kühnel & Laura Keller
Superior Experiment: ScFv grafting
Procedure: Plasmid isolation, PCR of pTXB1 with Taq polymerase
Team: Improve a Part
Investigators: Tim Kettler
Superior Experiment: FbFP caracterization
Procedure: Gel electrophoresis
Team: Nanobodys
Investigators: Stephan Weber & Neele Kusch
Superior Experiment: Nanobody grafting
Procedure: Eror prone PCR of progesteron and estradiol nanobody with Taq polymerase
Investigators: Melina Müller & Tim Kettler
Superior Experiment: FbFP caracterization
Procedure: Heat shock tranformation of E.coli DH5α with pJOE
Team: Nanobodys
Investigators: Stephan Weber & Neele Kusch
Superior Experiment: Nanobody grafting
Procedure: Eror prone PCR of progesteron and estradiol nanobody with Taq polymerase
Team: ScFv
Investigators: Tim Kettler
Superior Experiment: ScFv grafting
Procedure: Overnight Culture with E.coli DH5α
Investigators: Melina Müller & Tim Kettler
Superior Experiment: FbFP caracterization
Procedure: Colony PCR of FbFP with Phusion polymerase
Team: ScFv
Investigators: Philipp Kühnel & Laura Keller
Superior Experiment: ScFv grafting
Procedure: PCR of FbFP with Phusion polymerase and gel-extraction, Plasmid isolation
Investigators: Melina Müller
Superior Experiment: ScFv grafting
Procedure: Overnight Culture with E.coli DH5α
Team: Improve a Part
Investigators: Tim Kettler
Superior Experiment: FbFP caracterization
Procedure: Overnight Culture with E.coli DH5α
2020-09-28 - 2020-10-04
Investigators: Angelika Urban & Tim Kettler
Superior Experiment: FbFP caracterization
Procedure: Overnight Culture with E.coli DH5α
Team: Nanobodys
Investigators: Neele Kusch, Niko Klassen, Stephan Weber, Marvin Geisler
Superior Experiment: Nanobody grafting
Procedure: Sequencing of estradiol and progesteron nanobody, preparation of media and buffer
Investigators: Angelika Urban, Tim Kettler, Melina Müller
Superior Experiment: FbFP caracterization
Procedure: Culture with E.coli DH5α, Plasmid isolation, PCR of FbAP with Phusion, PCR cleanup, heat shock transformation of E.coli DH5α with pJOE
Team: ScFv
Investigators: Philipp Kühnel & Laura Keller
Superior Experiment: ScFv grafting
Procedure:PCR with phusion and gel-extraction, gibson assembly, heat shock transformation of E.coli DH5α with pTXB1, Overnight Culture with E.coli DH5α
Team: Nanobodys
Investigators: Stephan Weber & Neele Kusch
Superior Experiment: Nanobody grafting
Procedure:Phage display with M18K07, produktion of elektrokompetent E.coli ER2738, elctroshock transformation of E.coli ER2738 with PZMB0062
Investigators: Stephan Weber & Neele Kusch
Superior Experiment: Nanobody grafting
Procedure:Digestion of PZMB0062 with Sfi1
Team: ScFv
Investigators: Philipp Kühnel & Laura Keller
Superior Experiment: ScFv grafting
Procedure:PCR of ScFv with Q5 polymerase, PCR cleanup, gibson assembly, heat shock transformation of E.coli DH5α with pTXB1
Team: Improve a Part
Investigators: Tim Kettler
Superior Experiment: FbFP caracterization
Procedure:Overnight Culture with E.coli DH5α, colony PCR with Phusion polymerase
Investigators: Philipp Kühnel & Laura Keller
Superior Experiment: ScFv grafting
Procedure:PCR with phusion and gel-extraction, colony PCR with Taq polymerase, Plasmid isolation
Team: Improve a Part
Investigators: Melina Müller & Tim Kettler
Superior Experiment: FbFP caracterization
Procedure:Plasmid isolation, colony PCR with Taq polymerase
Team: Nanobodys
Investigators: Stephan Weber & Marvin Geilser
Superior Experiment: Nanobody grafting
Procedure:Preparation of antibiotics, electroshock transformation of E.coli ER2738 with PZMB0062
2020-10-05 - 2020-10-11
Investigators: Melina Müller & Tim Kettler
Superior Experiment: FbFP caracterization
Procedure:PCR of FbFP with Phusion polymerase, PCR cleanup, gibson assembly, heat shock transformation of E.coli DH5α with pJOE, overnight culture with E.coli DH5α
Team: Nanobodys
Investigators: Stephan Weber & Marvin Geilser
Superior Experiment: Nanobody grafting
Procedure:Elctroshock transformation of E.coli ER2738 with PZMB0062, preparation of LB-plates
Team: ScFv
Investigators: Philipp Kühnel & Laura Keller
Superior Experiment: ScFv grafting
Procedure:Gibson assembly, AQUA cloning, PCR of ScFv with Phusion polymerase, PCR cleanup, heat shock transformation of E.coli DH5α
Investigators: Philipp Kühnel & Laura Keller
Superior Experiment: ScFv grafting
Procedure:Colony PCR with Taq polymerase, plasmid isolation
Team: Improve a Part
Investigators: Angelika Urban & Tim Kettler
Superior Experiment: FbFP caracterization
Procedure:Plasmid isolation, colony PCR with Taq polymerase
Team: Nanobodys
Investigators:Stephan Weber, Neele Kusch, Marvin Geisler
Superior Experiment: Nanobody grafting
Procedure:Eror prone PCR of progesteron and estradiol nanobody with Taq polymerase, PCR cleanup, preparation of LB-plates
Investigators:Stephan Weber & Neele Kusch
Superior Experiment: Nanobody grafting
Procedure:Digestion of PZMB0062 with Sfi1, gel extraction
Team: Improve a Part
Investigators:Melina Müller
Superior Experiment: FbFP caracterization
Procedure:PCR of FbFP with Phusion polymerase, PCR cleanup, gibson assembly, heat shock transformation of E.coli DH5α with pJOE, overnight culture with E.coli DH5α
Team: ScFv
Investigators:Philipp Kühnel & Laura Keller
Superior Experiment: ScFv grafting
Procedure:PCR of ScFv with Phusion polymerase, PCR cleanup
Investigators:Melina Müller
Superior Experiment: FbFP caracterization
Procedure:Overnight Culture with E.coli DH5α, colony PCR with Taq polymerase
Team: Nanobodys
Investigators:Stephan Weber, Neele Kusch, Niko Klassen
Superior Experiment: Nanobody grafting
Procedure:PCR of estradiol and progesteron nanobody, PCR cleanup
Team: ScFv
Investigators:Laura Keller
Superior Experiment: ScFv grafting
Procedure:Plasmid isolation, PCR of ScFv with Taq polymerase
Investigators:Philipp Kühnel
Superior Experiment: ScFv grafting
Procedure:Colony PCR with Taq polymerase, plasmid isolation
Team: Nanobodys
Investigators:Stephan Weber & Neele Kusch
Superior Experiment: Nanobody grafting
Procedure:Digestion of PZMB0062 with Sfi1, gel extraction, PCR of estradiol und progesteron nanobody with Phusion polymerase, eror prone PCR of estradiol and progesteron with Taq polymerase, PCR cleanup, ligation
Team: Improve a Part
Investigators:Tim Kettler
Superior Experiment:FbFP caracterization
Procedure:Gel electrophoresis
Investigators:Stephan Weber
Superior Experiment:Nanobody grafting
Procedure:Electroshock transformation of E.coli ER2738 with PZMB0062
Investigators:Philipp Kühnel
Superior Experiment:ScFv grafting
Procedure:Overnight colony with E.coli DH5α
2020-10-12 - 2020-10-18
Investigators:Philipp Kühnel & Laura Keller
Superior Experiment:ScFv grafting
Procedure:Plasmis isolation
Team: Nanobodys
Investigators:Stephan Weber & Neele Kusch
Superior Experiment:Nanobody grafting
Procedure:Electroshock transformation of E.coli ER2738 with PZMB0062, preparation of LB-plates
Team: Improve a Part
Investigators:Tim Kettler & Melina Müller
Superior Experiment:FbFP caracterization
Procedure:PCR of FbFP with Phusion polymerase, overnight culture with E.coli DH5α
Investigators:Tim Kettler & Melina Müller
Superior Experiment:FbFP caracterization
Procedure:PCR of FbFP with Phusion polmerase, PCR cleanup, gibson assembly, heat shock transformation of E.coli DH5α with pJOE, Plasmid isolation
Team: ScFv
Investigators:Philipp Kühnel & Laura Keller
Superior Experiment:ScFv grafting
Procedure:Overnigt culture with E.coli DH5α
Team: Nanobodys
Investigators:Stephan Weber & Neele Kusch
Superior Experiment:Nanobody grafting
Procedure:Electroshock transformation of E.coli ER2738, production of electrocompetent E.coli ER2738
Investigators:Stephan Weber & Neele Kusch
Superior Experiment:Nanobody grafting
Procedure:Digestion of pZMB0062 with Sti1, PCR cleanup, ligation
Team: Improve a Part
Investigators:Tim Kettler & Melina Müller
Superior Experiment:FbFP caracterization
Procedure:Colony PCR with Taq polymerase
Investigators:Tim Kettler
Superior Experiment:FbFP caracterization
Procedure:Colony PCR with Taq polymerase, overnight culture of E.coli DH5α
Team: Nanobodys
Investigators:Stephan Weber & Neele Kusch
Superior Experiment:Nanobody grafting
Procedure:Electroshock transformation of E.coli ER2738, Digestion of pZMB0062 with Sti1, ligation
Investigators:Tim Kettler
Superior Experiment:FbFP caracterization
Procedure:Plasmid isolation
Team: Nanobodys
Investigators:Stephan Weber & Neele Kusch
Superior Experiment:Nanobody grafting
Procedure:Electroshock transformation of E.coli ER2738
Investigators:Philipp Kühnel & Laura Keller
Superior Experiment:ScFv grafting
Procedure:PCR of ScFv with Phusion polymerase, PCR cleanup, DPN1 digestion, gibsen assembly, heat shock transformation of E.coli DH5α with pTXB1
2020-10-19 - 2020-10-25
Investigators:Stephan Weber & Neele Kusch
Superior Experiment:Nanobody grafting
Procedure:Culture of E.coli ER2738
Team: ScFv
Investigators:Philipp Kühnel & Laura Keller
Superior Experiment:ScFv grafting
Procedure:PCR of ScFv with Phusion polymerase, PCR cleanup, DPN1 digestion of pTXB1, gibsen assembly, heat shock transformation of E.coli DH5α with pTXB1
Team: Improve a Part
Investigators:Tim Kettler
Superior Experiment:FbFP caracterization
Procedure:Heat shock transformation of E.coli Bl21D3 with pJOE
Investigators:Philipp Kühnel & Laura Keller
Superior Experiment:FbFP caracterization
Procedure:PCR of ScFv with Phusion polymerase, PCR cleanup, digestion of pTXB1 with Spe1 and Nde1, ligation, heat shock transformation of E.coli DH5α with pTXB1
Team: Improve a Part
Investigators:Tim Kettler
Superior Experiment:FbFP caracterization
Procedure:Overnight culture with E.coli BL21D3
Team: Nanobodys
Investigators:Stephan Weber & Neele Kusch
Superior Experiment:Nanobody grafting
Procedure:Preparation of phages and immunotubes
Investigators:Tim Kettler
Superior Experiment:FbFP caracterization
Procedure:Culture with E.coli BL21D3
Team: Improve a Part
Investigators:Tim Kettler, Melina Müller, Angelika Urban
Superior Experiment:FbFP caracterization
Procedure:Fluorescens messurment with tecan-reader
Team: Nanobodys
Investigators:Stephan Weber & Neele Kusch
Superior Experiment:Nanobody grafting
Procedure:Digestion of pZMB0062 with Sti1, PCR cleanup, ligation, electroshock transformation of ER2738
Team: ScFv
Investigators:Laura Keller
Superior Experiment:ScFv grafting
Procedure:Colony PCR with Phusion Polymerase, PCR cleanup, digestion of pTXB1 with Spe1 and Nde1, ligation, heat shock transformation of E.coli DH5α
Investigators:Philipp Kühnel & Laura Keller
Superior Experiment:ScFv grafting
Procedure:PCR od ScFv with Phusion polymerase, colony PCR with Phusion polymerase
Team: Nanobodys
Investigators:Stephan Weber & Neele Kusch
Superior Experiment:Nanobody grafting
Procedure:Culture with E.coli ER2783 with phages
Team: Improve a Part
Investigators:Tim Kettler
Superior Experiment:FbFP caracterization
Procedure:Culture with E.coli BL21D3
Superior Experiment:ScFv grafting
Procedure:Plasmid isolation, digestion of pTXB1with Kpn1 and Hind3, digestion of pTXB1with EcoR5 and Hind3
Team: Improve a Part
Investigators:Tim Kettler
Superior Experiment:FbFP caracterization
Procedure:Preparation of buffer, Fluorescens messurment with tecan-reader
Team: Nanobodys
Investigators:Stephan Weber & Neele Kusch
Superior Experiment:Nanobody grafting
Procedure:Colony PCR with Phusion Polymerase
Investigators:Stephan Weber & Neele Kusch
Superior Experiment:Nanobody grafting
Procedure:Culture with E.coli ER2783, Preparation of phage ELISA
Investigators:Stephan Weber & Neele Kusch
Superior Experiment:Nanobody grafting
Procedure:Phage ELISA