


The project team tried to improve the working methodology and results for presenting at the event. Meanwhile, we have worked with various other groups to get some suggestions and new ideas to improve the technique. It was beneficial to involve other teams and have a great impact on the outcomes.


At the beginning of this year's iGEM , during 2020 Southern China Regional Meeting, we found that the presented project of HZAU-China team was related to our work. Therefore, we contacted HZAU-China team and had a detailed exchange of ideas. The similarity of the project gives us more advantages and created a teamwork cooperation environment during the project.
In the beginning, both teams discussed the project in detail to clarify the similarity and differences between both projects. We prepared a survey questionnaire based on caries to collect the relevant data.

From the questionnaire , We learned that many people found themselves suffering from tooth decay after feeling pain in their gums or seeing a tawny, black groove in their teeth., we were wondering whether we could detect it before they had dental caries, so we thought of making a home-use detection device.

Then we exchanged modeling online. Modeling is to be done based on experiments and needs of experimental data to support. Our team returned to school earlier than HZAU-China team, and the experiments were performed earlier than HZAU-China team. In this regard, we provided experimental data and explained to them about the modeling.

Online Meetings

It was not possible to have meetings and gatherings due to COVID-19, this caused a lot of delay in starting different tasks. We decided to hold an online meeting to communicate with more teams. The online meeting with HZAU-China team was held on 15 August, 2020.
The information about the online meeting was posted on the website.

In this meeting, seven different teams were participated (BIT-China,CPU_CHINA,SZU-China,NWU-CHINA-A,NWU-CHINA-B,Fudan,andWorldshaper-Wuhan). This meeting was very significance for all the members and helped to get more ideas and knowledge.

SZPT-CHINA is presenting the project

After the meeting, we came to know the progress of other team projects. The other team's members gave us valuable advice during the meeting.
On 30th September, we gave a lecture on dental caries due to the similarity between projects. We invited the HZAU-China team to come and explain the relevant knowledge about caries.


It is interesting to know that NWU-CHINA-A also learned about our team's Suicide switch. They are interested in applying these bio-bricks to their projects. Two of our team members decided to help them in bio-bricks, and provided them with relevant information to complete the required section. We held an online lecture for college students and invited PI and team members from NWU-CHINA-A to join us in promoting the understanding of antimicrobial peptides and synthetic biology.


We learned on our official website that the Duesseldorf team has an activity of designing its own postcards to promote synthetic biology in public. We designed a postcard with pictures of our project on the front and a project description on the back. We promoted our project to other teams through the event created by the Duesseldorf team.


On 14th June, SZU-China held an exchange Southern China Meetup, in which we participated and looked for a better understanding of the work. On 21st July, we invited the SZU-China team and their PI to our lab to share our projects and had Q&A sessions about each other's projects. The discussion was very helpful to refine the search aspects. During the competition, SZU-China invited our team to design a brochure on synthetic biology.