Team:Xiamen city/Model

非模块化方式使用layui Entprenuership





To forecast the function of our enzyme in degrading H2O2, we choose to apply mathematical modeling to make further exploration.


Following is the data we adopted to implement our modeling.



We choose to analyze the relationship between the degraded H2O2 and amount of protein. Since the degradation velocity decreases following a linear trend, we choose to adopt the following differential equation:



Here is the analytic expression:


Following are our modeling results indicating the relationship between degraded H2O2  and amount of protein when the reaction time is 2 mins.

According to the fitting curve and analytic expression, we may cautiously state that the degradation velocity of H2O2 increases quickly with the accumulation of protein amount in the first stage (approximately when the protein protein is less than 0.05), and when the protein amount is higher than 0.05, the increasing trend of degradation velocity of H2O2 gradually lowers down. Our modeling results will be helpful for our future experiments to further explore the degradation power of our protein of H2O2.

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