Team:ZJUT China B/Human Practices


Multivirus monitor's human practices are based on the framework designed by ourselves. You can click on the titles to see more detailed information.


We sorted out the main content of our HP in the form of a timeline. The content shows that we have proved from different aspects that our project is beneficial and necessary for the public, and also shows some of our contributions to other teams and public education.

For more details, please click>>Silver<<


We mainly focus on the direct effect of HP on the project. This paper introduces the important role of HP in promoting all aspects of the project from four aspects: communication with stakeholders, gradual solution of problems in the process of the project, improvement of project integrity in different ways, and consideration of ethical issues.

For more details, please click >> GOLD<<

Science communication

In the Science communication section, we mainly describe how to ensure the effectiveness of our HP activities and target communication, how to choose the right research object, and our contribution to education and publicity. Interview experts in the company,Interview professors in synthetic biologyCommunication with iGEMers, Education and Engagement.

For more details, please click >> Science communication<<


We introduced the cooperative relations with QHFZ-China team, ShanghaiTech-China, SJTU, OUC, JNFLS, NEU and ECUST. We have carried out cooperation in four directions: protein lyophilization, Cas protein correlation detection, database construction and project background investigation. Here we briefly describe the content and results of our cooperation.

For more details, please click>> Collaboration<<


We described in detail our cooperation with various parts of the Partnership -- QHFZ-China and ShanghaiTech-China. This part records the whole process of our acquaintance, communication and mutual help.

For more details, please click >> Partnership<<


We describe in detail our ethical considerations and ethical learning experiences at different stages of the project. For the development of the project, we will divide each group into three modules, each module will discuss from the perspective of people, experimental objects and environment. With regard to the post-project section, we also discussed the impact of products on human rights, environment and other aspects.

For more details, please click >> Ehtics<<