
Team Edinburgh Finding NEMO


We extensively communicated, iGEM initiatives, useful information, our project's results through the most simple and common communication channels

We had 100+ email exchanges and with our initiative we contacted over one third of all the iGEM 2020 participants, we formed a FB themed biosensor group with 30 members and a JOGL biosensor group with 20 members
We tried to promote useful content in our social medias and we initiated various initiatives (See initiative page) an Open Call for testing our biosensor
Therefore even if the are often underrated we think that the work done on these platforms was meaningful and critical to the project and the overall advancement and promotion of synthetic biology.

  • 100+ email exchanges
  • Sent emails to more than with 100+ iGEM teams (different initiatives)
  • JOGL and FB Biosensor groups
  • Sent emails to 90% of all the active DIY-bio communities
  • Global Open call for testing the biosensor
  • Received partnership requests and found early biosensor testers
  • +15 virtual meeting with individuals and organisations outside the University


The project resulted in 8 unique MSc dissertations that have high research value. While some of the dissertations will be publicly available other won't since we felt that openly disclosing a dissertation is individual choice of the author, nevertheless, all the dissertations and data collected were shared among team members and to actors outside the team.


Most of our science education initatives are science communication initiatives!

Check our scince education


We are not professional actors or video editors but we are proud of our own promotional video. And even if our video pales down in comparison to the videos of other iGEM teams we did by our own and relying on the kindness of a strangers to hold the camera for us during team pictures/footage

We opted to use an accessible and understandable narration style and we used our "complex" scientific vocabulary only when was needed

We still have a lot of footage stay tuned cause you'll receive more videos very soon!

PS: We'll add more captions on the go, we were quite busy lately


We made a Manifesto by surveying students of the University of Edinburgh and we later shared the Manifesto among part of the surveyees


These are other initiatives that are part of our science communication strategy