Team:Shanghai HS/Fundraising

非模块化方式使用layui Entprenuership






As a team made up of high school students, we need to raise some funds to conduct further experiments and market research, so that we can advance our project successfully.


The form of our fund-raising activity was a charity sale together with the online shop. We’ve combined our team logo to mugs, the uniform of toy koalas, and mobile phone stands. Using our start-up funds of RMB2000 yuan, minus half of the money for the team uniforms, we ordered a total of 20 mugs, 20 toy koalas, and 100 mobile phone stands online.


We finally decided to hold the sale campaign in a commercial building with a high flow of office workers, who probably had more interest in what we were doing and were willing to support our project by buying some of our products. The online shop also attracts many customers’ attention to the innovative promotion activities and the convincing pictures of our commodities. Our fund-raising activities have a profit of more than RMB1300 yuan, which turned out to be quite successful.




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