Team:Calgary/Biocontainment Engineering


To address biocontainment concerns, we set ourselves to devise a system to prevent the survival of our yeast outside of their intended growth vessel. Though our bioreactor was carefully designed to tightly contain the biological components, we wanted to create a biocontainment system as a cautionary measure to ensure the safety of the greater environment and community. In order to develop our biocontainment strategy, we followed the engineering cycle, as described below:

  1. Understand the problem

  2. Research and Ideate Solutions

  3. Design Solutions: experimental design

  4. Create and test: proof of concept

  5. Apply: Shift to Y. lipolytica

Though the cycle appears to be linear, in actuality it will be a circular process, with findings from different stages of the cycle informing the workflow of prior steps. We spent this season conducting extensive literature review, speaking to experts in academia, and actually working in the lab to test a proof of concept for our system. Following this iGEM season, we will again apply this engineering cycle as we apply our proof of concept to engineer and test Y. lipolytica for our biocontainment system.


Why is biocontainment important?

Synthetic biology is an emerging field that promises scalable and low-cost solutions to global health, agricultural, and environmental problems in the form of self-replicating biological devices. As these solutions increasingly become a reality, they migrate from tightly regulated laboratories to private spaces, such as households. This raises significant safety concerns regarding biocontainment, as the introduction of non-native organisms into the environment can result in unintended adverse effects on the ecosystem. Oviita is a community product that is meant to be cultivated outside of the laboratory by the people in the community, as such ensuring high levels of biosafety was a crucial part of our project. In order to ensure safety, iGEM Calgary set out to design a robust, yet sustainable biocontainment system.

Previous strategies

When we began our journey towards finding an effective biocontainment strategy, we considered many different options including auxotrophy and a kill switch system, before eventually settling on our final strategy of a complementary auxotrophy co-culture system.

Auxotrophy prevents the production of a vital molecule by an organism, thereby forcing the organism to become reliant on the external supplementation of the molecule of interest for survival (Torres et al., 2016). A positive side to auxotrophy is the low mutation rate of reverting the auxotrophy back to prototrophy. However, such a system introduces high costs, and is ultimately unsustainable because of the need for supplementation.

An alternative biocontainment strategy is the introduction of a kill switch system. Such a system comes with its own positive aspects and limitations. Kill switch systems are genetic circuits that lead to the production of a toxin or inhibitory molecule following exposure to a certain stimulus, resulting in the death of the organism (1). For example, a kill switch system could involve the production of a nuclease in response to blue light. However, some limitations for this method is that the system relies upon the availability of the stimulus in order to be effective. In addition, when we talked to Dr. Robert Mayall, he explained how there is a higher rate of mutating out the kill switch system due to the fitness cost instilled in an organism.


Our Goals

Anim pariatur cliche reprehenderit, enim eiusmod high life accusamus terry richardson ad squid. 3 wolf moon officia aute, non cupidatat skateboard dolor brunch. Food truck quinoa nesciunt laborum eiusmod. Brunch 3 wolf moon tempor, sunt aliqua put a bird on it squid single-origin coffee nulla assumenda shoreditch et. Nihil anim keffiyeh helvetica, craft beer labore wes anderson cred nesciunt sapiente ea proident. Ad vegan excepteur butcher vice lomo. Leggings occaecat craft beer farm-to-table, raw denim aesthetic synth nesciunt you probably haven't heard of them accusamus labore sustainable VHS.

Initial ideas

The first biocontainment strategy we considered was a light-induced kill switch system. We reasoned that since light is readily available in the environment, and we don’t want our yeast cells to survive outside of the growth vessel in the environment, light would be a viable option to induce the death of our yeast cells. When we were exploring this option, we first came across an inducible kill switch system where exposure to blue light results in the expression of Cas9. Specifically, we wanted Cas9 to target essential genes of the yeast, as cleavage of these genes would result in the death of the organism. We found a system by Kuwana et al. (2015), which involves a photoreceptor system of two magnets (pMag and nMag) that each are linked to one-half of the Cas9 gene. In response to blue light, the two magnets join together, allowing Cas9 to join together and cleave the target gene.

However, upon speaking to Dr. Marija Drikic, a metabolomics research associate, we decided to pivot from this for our biocontainment strategy. Her concerns included the fact that in her experience with research, the whole process in order to result in the cleavage of the gene of interest had numerous areas that could go wrong. For example, the cas9 protein might take a lengthy time to be expressed--too long of a time to be suitable for a biocontainment system.

Based on this feedback, we went back to literature review to find an alternative strategy. Eventually, we came across a different light inducible system by Xu et al. (2018), which instead involves the expression of a transcription factor that is sensitive to light. In response to light, the transcription factor binds to its binding region, and causes the expression of the GOI. We decided to explore whether the GOI could be toxic protein that could thus be expressed in response to light. However, in speaking to Dr. Zaramberg, a professor specializing in yeast research, we learned that there were a number of difficulties with the successful implementation of this idea. For example, whatever toxin we chose had to be non-toxin to humans or denatured by heat. As well, leaky expression of the protein has to be controlled for, as any premature expression would result in the killing of our yeast cells. Though we did extensive literature review, we unfortunately could not find a toxin that had previously been heterologously expressed with sufficient characterization or testing. We received advice, once again by Dr. Marija Drikic, who suggested we research further into proteins or enzymes that could target components of the yeast cell wall, protein inhibitors and nucleases. After considering several options we decided upon nucleases as our GOI to be expressed by our cells in response to light. We reasoned that this would be the simplest means for the yeast to be killed.

In conjunction with our light inducible promoter system, we started looking into yeast toxins that would kill off the cell. Ultimately, we came across the idea of using nucleases, as mentioned by Balan and Schenberg (2005). They had developed a system where under certain environmental conditions, nuclease activity would be activated and cause death of the cell. While nucleases are typically secreted into extracellular media, this system ensured these nucleases were secreted inside the cell such that apoptosis would be induced. The nuclease that we chose would have to fit two criteria. First, it would have to have a small GC-rich recognition site. Second, it would have to be toxic to the yeast and non-toxic to humans, such that it would serve as an effective biocontainment system but not harm people who ingested it. We started looking into many different nucleases, searching for one that would function at an optimal temperature and target essential sites in the yeast cell.

However, upon introduction of our finalized biocontainment strategy to faculty members, we received a number of comments about our system that we decided to completely switch gears. For instance, if our cells were ever released into the environment, we were questioned on whether light would be able to penetrate soil or deep water bodies in order to reach the escaped organisms. As well, light can be a very variable environmental condition. Thus, there were concerns on whether light could be relied upon as our inducible agent on a consistent basis to activate our kill switch system. Based on these concerns, we decided to go back to the drawing board.

One of the other biocontainment strategies we started exploring was the toxin-antitoxin system. These systems usually comprise two expression systems; a toxin expression system and an antitoxin expression system. The toxin would have a lethal effect on the cell upon expression but the antitoxin would be able to diffuse the toxin effect on the cell. The antitoxin would be under the control of a weak constitutive promoter while the toxin would be under the control of an environmentally inducible promoter. Low expression of the antitoxin would buffer out any leaky expression of the toxin but once a certain environmental cue activates the toxin expression system, the toxin would be produced in significant quantities compared to the antitoxin and would be able to exert its lethal effect in the cell.

This biocontainment strategy has a major advantage over the typical kill switch system. Kill switch systems are most often evolutionary unstable. The leaky expression of the toxin in these systems even when the system is turned off would result in reduced fitness of the cells containing the kill switch system. As such, there is an evolutionary pressure for these switches to be selected out of the population. The toxin-antitoxin system, however, would reduce the fitness cost associated with the toxin expression system as an antitoxin would be expressed to buffer out leaky expressions of the toxin. Therefore, the toxin-antitoxin systems tend to be more evolutionary stable.

Despite some of the advantages of this biocontainment method, there are still serious shortcomings associated with this strategy. Our discussion with Dr. Robert Mayall, helped us identify some of the challenges of the toxin-antitoxin system. One of the major downsides of using such a system is the extra stress we would put the cells under by engineering two unnecessary pathways into the cells. In particular, the antitoxin expression pathway needs to always be active which would significantly reduce the fitness and growth rate of the host cell. Although some improvements have been made in recent years in this field, these systems are not yet close to the robust and viable biocontainment strategy we are looking for. Second, such systems have shown to have mild levels of success only in bacteria since they are native to those organisms. The introduction of these exogenous systems in yeast would be challenging and have not shown to be effective to the best of our knowledge. Third, reliance on a specific environmental signal to activate the toxin system is not always viable, especially since our yeast is designed to be used in all kinds of communities with varying environmental conditions. As such, we decided to look for a more viable biocontainment strategy.

Finalized strategy

Benefits of Auxotrophy

Syntrophic Co-culture of Auxotrophs

We wanted to create a biocontainment system that took advantage of the robustness of an auxotrophy system but one that did not have the sustainability issues most associated with an auxotrophic system. Our discussion with Dr. Robert Mayall led us to the idea of using a cross-feeding co-culture of auxotrophic organisms. In this system, each strain will be auxotrophic for the molecule the other strain can produce, resulting in cross-feeding between the two strains. This eliminates the need to continuously add amino acid supplements to the culture and at the same time, it ensures tight regulation of the organisms as they would be mandated to stay together in the bioreactor to obtain their required amino acid. In case microorganisms escape the bioreactor, they would not be able to survive as they require their partner in sufficient quantity to grow, a condition only met inside the bioreactor. Thus this allows us to design a robust yet sustainable biocontainment strategy.

In order to bring our new biocontainment strategy to fruition, we looked in the literature for the mechanism of microorganism cross-feeding in co-cultures. We found many successful previous cross-feeding experiments done using different bacteria species such as S. indica, B. subtilis, and E. coli. In fact, such cooperative interaction in bacterial communities is thought to be prevalent in nature as such bacteria already have some of the mechanisms required for setting up successful cooperative relationships with other members of the community.

Yeast, however, are not naturally very good at exchanging metabolites with one another. A study by Shou et al. found that metabolite exchange among co-growing yeast cells are not occurring at growth-relevant quantities. Thus, two complementary auxotrophs would not be able to supports each other in a co-culture. However, they also found that a small set of genetic modifications in the biosynthesis of the amino acids could help establish cooperation between the two auxotrophic strain. These modifications would allow the yeast strains to overproduce the amino acid required by the other co-culture and thus would allow them to establish a cooperative community. In particular, they engineered an adenine auxotrophic strain of S. cerevisiae to overproduce lysine for a lysine auxotroph strain of S. cerevisiae that would overproduce adenine in return. The engineered complementary strains were able to form stable communities where a minimum cell density of each strain was required to support the growth of the co-culture. Another study by Hoek et al. performed similar experiments but with a tryptophan auxotrophic, leucine overproducing strain, and a leucine auxotroph, tryptophan overproducing strain of S. cerevisiae. They found that not only the two strains were able to establish a viable cooperative community but also over time the two strains established an obligate mutualism relationship where each strain required its partner for proliferation. The mentioned studies highlight the ability of yeast to take part in synthetic cross-feeding communities where they become completely dependent on their partner strain for growth.

S. cerevisiae strains

Based on the previously conducted research regarding the complementary cross-feeding yeast strains, we were interested in acquiring a pair of the complementary yeast strains to characterise and test the effectiveness of a co-culturing system for ourselves. Luckily for us, the Murray lab at Harvard University graciously sent us the two W303 S. cerevisiae strains they had engineered,:

  • ymm60: the leucine auxotroph which overproduces tryptophan
  • ymm65: the tryptophan auxotroph that overproduces leucine.

Specifically, each strain was engineered to overproduce the amino acid by introducing a gene for that amino acid that was resistant to feedback inhibition (Muller et al., 2014). Additionally, to aid in monitoring the growth of the yeast strains during co-culturing experiments, each strain includes the expression of a fluorescent protein. The leucine overproducing strain expresses the mCitrine protein, while the tryptophan overproducing strain expresses the mCherry protein. Both strains also express the cyan fluorescent protein, yCerulean.


Proof of concept

In order to provide a sustainable, community-based solution, we plan to genetically modify Rhodosporidium toruloides, an oleaginous yeast that naturally produces beta-carotene and lipids, to be more robust and resource-efficient. By modifying the yeast to produce cellulase, it can then use common agricultural waste products as an energy source for synthesizing its oil. It can then be eaten as a vitamin A supplement. The yeast strain, while naturally safe and non-pathogenic, will also be genetically modified to include a kill switch for bio-containment, and optimized for oil production.


We designed some simple experiments to confirm that the W303 engineered strains, ymm60 and ymm65, were indeed auxotrophic for tryptophan and leucine respectively. Both engineered strains along with the control wildtype W303 strain were each plated on three types of media:

  • SD media containing all amino acids except for leucine
  • SD media containing all amino acids except for tryptophan
  • SD media containing all amino acids
  • Growth of the strains at 30 degrees Celsius on different plates were be observed for 48 hours.

    Amino acid overproduction

    We wanted to confirm the overproduction of the amino acids by the two engineered strains. To do this, we based our experimental protocol to that of a bioassay used by Shou et al. (2007) and Zhang et al. (2014), where they measured the concentration of amino acid released into the media by yeast and bacteria, respectively.

    Essentially, this involved us first creating a standard curve of OD600 measurements of the auxotrophic W303 strain grown in different concentrations of amino acid for 24 hrs, for leucine and tryptophan, respectively. Based on the OD600 value present at the end of the 24 hrs, we could then use this curve to approximate the concentration of amino acid released into the media.

    Once the standard curves were constructed, we set ourselves to test the concentration of leucine or tryptophan released to the media by the following strains:

    • Engineered strains:
      • ymm60 : Leu+, Trp-
      • ymm65: Trp+, Leu-
    • Control strains:
      • LEU2 transformed W303 strain
      • TRP1 transformed W303 strain

    The control strains were transformed with the respective genes so that we could compare the concentration of amino acid produced by a strain engineered to overproduce the amino acid to a strain that is only producing baseline or normal levels of that amino acid.

    To determine the concentration of amino acids released into the media, we first grew cultures of various time lengths of the four different strains in media deficient for the amino acid it is producing. The cultures include those grown to mid-log, 24 hrs, and 48 hrs. Once the cultures were grown, they were filtered to remove the presence of cells, so only the media was present.

    Following this, a 96-well plate was filled with samples of the media from the four yeast cultures inoculated with the W303 strain. We measured the OD600 values of the growth of the W303 cells in these samples in a plate reader over a 24 hr period. Based on the OD600 value measured at the end of the 24 hr period, we used the standard curve previously constructed to determine the approximate amount of amino acid (leucine or tryptophan) released into the media by the four strains. Our goal was to compare the engineered strain to its corresponding control strain to verify that the concentration of amino acid produced by the engineered strain was in fact greater than the control strain.

    A more detailed protocol for this can be found here.

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    The entire point of a biocontainment system was to prevent the organism from causing damage to the environment in the event of escape. Therefore, we had to ensure that environmental concentrations of amino acids would be insufficient for the yeast to thrive on. This way, the yeast co-culture would be killed off in the environment and remain reliant on the conditions inside of the bioreactor. When in nature, there are two primary elements: earth and water. We needed to ensure that our yeast co-culture wouldn’t survive in either environment, so we collected some soil and river environmental samples and got to work.

    The environmental samples we used were river water, autoclaved river water, garden soil, and autoclaved garden soil. The autoclaved samples primarily tested for nutrients already present in the environment without accounting for the fluxes due to living microorganisms.

    The non autoclaved samples tested for the effect of living microorganisms and other, more sensitive, nutrients present in the environment that may be degraded due to high temperatures. As our strains were auxotrophic for leucine and tryptophan respectively, we wanted to check specifically for the presence of these amino acids in the environment.

    For ymm60 (leucine overproducing and tryptophan auxotrophic), the treatments were:

    • SD-Trp- + autoclaved bow river water
    • SD-Trp- + non autoclaved bow river water
    • SD-Trp- + autoclaved soil water
    • SD-Trp- + non autoclaved soil water
    • YPD (positive control)
    • YPD + autoclaved bow river water
    • YPD + nonautoclaved bow river water
    • YPD + autoclaved soil water
    • YPD + nonautoclaved soil water

    For ymm65 (tryptophan overproducing and leucine auxotrophic strain), the treatments were:

    • SD-Leu- + autoclaved bow river water
    • SD-Leu- + non autoclaved bow river water
    • SD-Leu- + autoclaved soil water
    • SD-Leu- + non autoclaved soil water
    • YPD (positive control)
    • YPD + autoclaved bow river water
    • YPD + nonautoclaved bow river water
    • YPD + autoclaved soil water
    • YPD + nonautoclaved soil water

    The treatments including YPD served as positive controls, while the treatments involving SD media served to supply the nutrients other than the amino acids each strain was auxotrophic for. This way, we could determine whether the environmental samples had sufficient amounts of amino acids to sustain yeast strain growth. Each of these treatments had a blank, where no yeast was suspended. The treatments with yeast were also done in triplicate and grown over the course of 60 hours in a 96-well plate.



    Figure 1. Auxotrophy Test. The image on the left shows that the ymm60, ymm65, and wildtype W303 strain did not grow on media lacking the required amino acid. Right image showing all three strains showing growth when supplemented with the required amino acids.

    We successfully characterized the auxotrophic natures of our engineered strains. The ymm60 strain (tryptophan auxotroph) grew on all the plates except for the tryptophan deficient plate and the ymm65 strain (leucine auxotroph) grew on all plates except for the tryptophan deficient plate as expected. This confirms the auxotrophy of our engineered strains as the strains were not able to grow on the media lacking the amino acid they are auxotrophic for but they showed growth on media supplemented with the required amino acids. The wildtype W303 strain did not grow on either the leucine or tryptophan deficient media. This is expected as wildtype W303 strain is auxotrophic for both leucine and tryptophan.

    Amino acid overproduction

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    Anim pariatur cliche reprehenderit, enim eiusmod high life accusamus terry richardson ad squid. 3 wolf moon officia aute, non cupidatat skateboard dolor brunch. Food truck quinoa nesciunt laborum eiusmod. Brunch 3 wolf moon tempor, sunt aliqua put a bird on it squid single-origin coffee nulla assumenda shoreditch et. Nihil anim keffiyeh helvetica, craft beer labore wes anderson cred nesciunt sapiente ea proident. Ad vegan excepteur butcher vice lomo. Leggings occaecat craft beer farm-to-table, raw denim aesthetic synth nesciunt you probably haven't heard of them accusamus labore sustainable VHS.

    Anim pariatur cliche reprehenderit, enim eiusmod high life accusamus terry richardson ad squid. 3 wolf moon officia aute, non cupidatat skateboard dolor brunch. Food truck quinoa nesciunt laborum eiusmod. Brunch 3 wolf moon tempor, sunt aliqua put a bird on it squid single-origin coffee nulla assumenda shoreditch et. Nihil anim keffiyeh helvetica, craft beer labore wes anderson cred nesciunt sapiente ea proident. Ad vegan excepteur butcher vice lomo. Leggings occaecat craft beer farm-to-table, raw denim aesthetic synth nesciunt you probably haven't heard of them accusamus labore sustainable VHS.


    Design considerations

    Anim pariatur cliche reprehenderit, enim eiusmod high life accusamus terry richardson ad squid. 3 wolf moon officia aute, non cupidatat skateboard dolor brunch. Food truck quinoa nesciunt laborum eiusmod. Brunch 3 wolf moon tempor, sunt aliqua put a bird on it squid single-origin coffee nulla assumenda shoreditch et. Nihil anim keffiyeh helvetica, craft beer labore wes anderson cred nesciunt sapiente ea proident. Ad vegan excepteur butcher vice lomo. Leggings occaecat craft beer farm-to-table, raw denim aesthetic synth nesciunt you probably haven't heard of them accusamus labore sustainable VHS.

    Part design: Genetic Constructs

    In order to implement our biocontainment strategy in Y. lipolytica , we need to engineer two strains of yeast; one that is auxotrophic for tryptophan and overproduces leucine, and one that is auxotrophic for leucine and overproduces tryptophan.

    Engineering amino acid overproduction:

    To engineer a leucine overproducing and a tryptophan overproducing strain we designed two overexpression cassettes that contained the following components:

  • Nourseothricin resistance expression construct BBa_K3629015
  • Either the LEU4 overexpression construct BBa_K3629023 or the TRP2 overexpression construct BBa_K3629024
  • Either the mCherry reporter device BBa_K3629025 or the mCitrine reporter device BBa_K3629026
  • 2-isopropylmalate synthase (LEU4) and Anthranilate synthase component 1 (TRP2) are important regulatory enzymes involved in the biosynthesis pathway of leucine and tryptophan respectively. These enzymes prevent overproduction of the amino acids as they are feedback-inhibited by the end products of the pathway (leucine and tryptophan). Overexpression of these two enzymes could help remove the bottleneck effect of the feedback inhibition and allow for the overproduction of the amino acids.

    Therefore we designed two genetic constructs; one to overexprss LEU4 BBa_K3629023, and one to overxpress TRP2 BBa_K3629024. We used the stong intronic TEF promoter BBa_K3629001 in these constructs to help ensure that LEU4 and TRP2 are expressed at high levels. TEF promoter is one of the strongest native promoters of Y. lipolytica . We included the first intron of the TEF1 gene in the sequence of the promoter since the inclusion of the first intron has shown to allow for even stronger expression.

    The mCherry reporter device BBa_K3629025 and the mCitrine reporter device BBa_K3629025 were included to help distinguish and quantify the leucine and tryptophan overproducing gene in the co-culture. Each strain will be engineered with one of the reporter devices and since each reporter device contains a fluorescent protein that fluoresces at a distinct emission wavelength, fluorescence spectroscopy can be used to distinguish and quantify the leucine and tryptophan overproducing strains in the co-culture.

    Nourseothricin resistance expression construct BBa_K3629012, optimized for expression in Y. lipolytica , was also used in our cassettes as the selection marker.

    Together, the LEU4/TRP2 overexpression constructs, the reporter devices (mCherry or mCitrine), and the Nourseothricin resistance expression construct made our overexpression cassette that could be used to engineer a leucine or a tryptophan overproducing Y. lipolytica . In order to allow for easy assembly of our cassettes, we made each of our genetic constructs compatible with Gibson assembly. Each part is flanked by a Gibson homology sequence that allows for all the parts to come together in a single Gibson reaction.

    Engineering Auxotrophy

    To introduce leucine auxotrophy, we plan to knock-out 3-isopropylmalate dehydrogenase (LEU2), a common gene targeted in Y. lipolytica leucine auxotrophs. Tryptophan auxotrophy, however, has not been introduced before inY. lipolytica . In order to make tryptophan auxotrophic strain of Y. lipolytica , we plan to target TRP1, a common gene targetted in S. cerevisiae tryptophan auxotrophs. Since the tryptophan biosynthesis pathway of S. cerevisiae and Y. lipolytica are almost identical, knockout of TRP1 should produce tryptophan auxotrophs in Y. lipolytica .

    We wanted to engineer auxotrophy and amino acid overproduction in Y. lipolytica in one efficient step. Therefore, we included homology arms to upstream and downstream of the LEU2 or the TRP1 gene in our overexpression constructs. For example, our TRP2 overproducing cassette is flanked with homology arms to upstream and downstream of the LEU2. So that when the yeast is transformed with our cassette, through homologous recombination the TRP2 cassette would insert in the middle of the LEU2 gene, knocking out the gene. As a result, the engineered strain would become auxotrophic for leucine and overproducing for tryptophan in one engineering step.


    What we've achieved

    Though this season was certainly not what we had expected, we still achieved quite a bit considering the limited number of hours in the lab:

    ✔  We successfully characterised a proof of concept for our biocontainment system using a pair of already engineered S. cerevisiae strains:

    • Characterised the strains in terms of auxotrophy and amino acid overproduction
    • Created a viable co-culture demonstrating the ability of the strains to survive using the amino acid released by each of the complementary strains
    • Demonstrated the inability of the yeast to survive in environmental conditions outside of the expected growth vessel conditions

    ✔ We designed and submitted a total of eight parts to the parts registry that allow for the engineering of Y. lipolytica to create complementary overproducing, auxotrophic strains.

    Improving our system

    Engineering multiple auxotrophies
    When speaking to different contacts in academia, including Dr. Zaramberg and Dr. Mayall, we learned of ways that we could strengthen our biocontainment strategy. Currently, our yeast strains are auxotrophic for a single amino acid that is supplemented by the complementary strain. However, as an improvement to our system, we can engineer the strains to become auxotrophic for multiple amino acids rather than just one. These amino acids would then be supplemented by the second strain. Because the yeast cell requires greater supplementation to survive, it becomes more dependent on its complementary strain, reducing the chances of the cells being able to survive outside of the intended growth vessel, and thus improving the quality of our biocontainment method. As an additional future measure, different amino acids can be researched to determine which are required in the highest concentrations for a yeast’s survival. Making it deficient in one of these amino acids would also increase the effectiveness of our biocontainment method, as the yeast would have greater difficulty in surviving during the absence of this amino acid.

    Engineering Yarrowia lipolytica

    In order to provide a sustainable, community-based solution, we plan to genetically modify Rhodosporidium toruloides, an oleaginous yeast that naturally produces beta-carotene and lipids, to be more robust and resource-efficient. By modifying the yeast to produce cellulase, it can then use common agricultural waste products as an energy source for synthesizing its oil. It can then be eaten as a vitamin A supplement. The yeast strain, while naturally safe and non-pathogenic, will also be genetically modified to include a kill switch for bio-containment, and optimized for oil production.

    Improving Amino Acid Overproduction:

    Our amino acid overexpression cassettes use a strong native promoter to allow for high expressions of important regulatory enzymes, LEU4 and TRP2, in biosynthetic pathways of leucine and tryptophan, respectively. This would allow the cells to overproduce the desired amino acid. An additional modification that could be made in the future to ensure even higher production of the amino acids is to overexpress mutant copies of LEU4 and TRP2 that are resistant to feedback inhibition by leucine and tryptophan respectively. LEU4 and TRP2 orthologs of Y. lipolytica are known to have similar allosteric regulatory sites to S. cerevisiae enzymes for binding of leucine and tryptophan. However, since the enzymes of Y. lipolytica are not as well characterized, the position of the regulatory allosteric site in the 3D structure of Y. lipolytica enzymes is unknown. Therefore, future analysis could be done using tools such as protein modeling to identify the position of these regulatory sites and produce mutants versions of the enzymes that are resistant to feedback inhibition and could operate at higher capacity.