
Mentorship Program

As iGEMers, we have had our share of less-than-ideal experiences such as summer projects being too ambitious to finish, BioBrick parts not working (or even going into plasmids backwards!), and team wikis being unfinished until the very last second. iGEM is all about working together to make biology fun and easy to engineer, and we hope that this voluntary nonofficial Mentorship Program will bring new teams and alumni together and enable everyone to meet their goals for iGEM 2020.

What is the Mentorship Program?

The After iGEM Mentorship Program provides the means for new high school, collegiate, and community lab iGEM teams to learn how the iGEM competition works. Also, it is a chance for experienced iGEMers to give back to the community, interact with the next-generation of Competition participants, and gain practical experience in communication, leadership, and mentoring skills. The program has been running since 2015 and has helped to introduce, guide and support many adventures in the marvelous journey until the Jamboree.

Who’s running the Mentorship Program?

The mentors and teams will be matched considering their expertise and research interest. The After iGEM Education Committee, a team composed of former iGEMers that share their expertise and experience in leading educational programs, will coordinate the program by providing support and guidance for the mentors and teams. We hope all the groups will enjoy this unique opportunity to learn, teach, and share.

What’s the scope of the Mentorship Program?

This program is a good fit for teams who would like to better understand the iGEM competition through an experienced iGEM Mentor. Covering the basics from competition deliverables to important deadlines, while also adding the mentor’s own tips and professional experience to the mix.

Program guidelines:

Mentorship Program Information Session

Do you have questions about the Mentorship Program? The After iGEM Education Committee will hold 2 open call sessions on Wednesday (July 1st) to answer all your questions about the Program and explain better how you can become a mentor or be a mentee team. Join the Information Session on the time that works best for you: at 3 - 4 AM EDT and at 1 - 2 PM EDT.

Zoom link:
Password: Answer to the question "What year is it?"

Which teams are eligible for the mentorship program?

• New teams with 0-1 year of iGEM experience

Team Application Form:

Direct Link:

Who is eligible to be a mentor?

• At least 1 year of experience in iGEM competition
• At least 2 hours per week to engage with the program

Mentor Application Form:

Direct Link: