
Judging Hub

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COVID-19 Information

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Information for Teams

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1. Introduction to Judging

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4. Pages for Awards

Teams are required to use specific URLs in their wiki in order to be eligible for specific awards. For a complete list of required award pages, click below.

2. Medals

All teams can earn a medal. Teams can only win one medal in a given iGEM year. Teams must nominate themselves using the Judging Form. For more details about the 2021 medal criteria, click below.

5. Rubric

Judges will use a rubric to evaluate your team. For details about the questions asked on the rubric, click below.

3. Awards

Teams can compete for various awards on top of the medals. These awards include the Grand Prize, Track Awards, and Special Prizes. For more details about the 2021 award criteria, click below.

Information for Judges

The role of an iGEM judge goes beyond simply evaluating teams. We have always sought to identify areas of excellence that can be celebrated with our specific awards. But we ask that each judge also consider how their role can be used to elevate the iGEM experience all teams, not just the few that will receive awards. It is an integral part of iGEM's success and we hope you consider joining our voluntary judging team!

Judging Application

Judging Applications will open in April 2021.

Judging Handbook

We provide a Judging Handbook for both judges and teams to review during the iGEM season. Download the 2021 Judging Handbook by clicking below.