
Competition Hub

Welcome to the 2020 Competition Hub! This Hub contains information about the competition rules and requirements. Each team member, including students, advisors, instructors, and Primary and Secondary PIs, should take the time to read through everything on this page and on the detail pages prior to starting work on their iGEM project.

Participation Requirements

Below are the requirements for participating in iGEM 2020. All teams are expected to understand these requirements before registering for the competition. Please email us at hq [AT] igem [DOT] org with any questions.

1. Team Requirements

All iGEM teams must follow the Team Requirements in terms of Team Composition, Team Roles, and Team Sections. These requirements give teams structure and allow teams to compete against each other fairly. For more details about Team Requirements, click below.

2. Rules of Conduct

All teams are required to follow the iGEM Rules of Conduct. Failure to follow the rules may result in disciplinary action against your team, up to and including ineligibility for awards and disqualification from the competition. For more details about the iGEM Rules of Conduct, click below.

3. Competition Deliverables

Every iGEM team is responsible for delivering nine different items throughout the competition. These items are used to evaluate your team, in addition to the other medal and award criteria. Failure to complete these deliverables may impact your team’s chances at winning medals and prizes during the Giant Jamboree. For the list of the 2020 iGEM Competition Deliverables, see the bottom of this page.

4. Positive Contribution

All participants are required to work hard to build positive contributions to society and have lots of fun!

While we know this is a competition, we encourage all teams to come to the Giant Jamboree to celebrate their hard work and share in the joy of iGEM with teams from around the world.

5. Fees*

The 2020 iGEM fees include team registration fees and Giant Jamboree attendance fees. For more details on all of these criteria and to learn how to register a team, click below.

Register Now!

Get started - Register your team for 2021!

Competition Deliverables

Every iGEM team is responsible for completing the deliverables by the deadlines listed below. These items are used to evaluate your team, in addition to the other medal and award criteria. Failure to complete these deliverables may impact your team’s chances at winning medals and prizes during the Giant Jamboree. Please click below for more information about the deliverables. You can also see the deadlines in chronological order on the 2020 Calendar.

1. Team Wiki
Due Date: October 27, 23:59 EDT

Teams need to document their project on their Wiki page. This page is the public face of your project. Since it is hosted on the iGEM servers, no content will ever get lost and you will still be able to share the website after the competition.

2. Team Poster
Due Date: November 10, 23:59 EST

Each team is given one poster slot. Students must present the poster during the scheduled Poster Sessions at the Giant Jamboree.

3. Team Presentation Video
Due Date: October 30, 11:59 EDT

Each team must make one 20-minute presentation video for their project.

4. Project Promotion Video
Due Date: September 25, 11:59 EDT

New in 2020, all teams must create and submit a Project Promotion Video.

5. Judging Form
Due Date: October 23, 23:59 EDT

Since iGEM is a competition, teams will be judged on their projects during the Giant Jamboree. Teams fill out their own Judging Form. The Judging Form will be sent to the judges so they can evaluate your team for prizes and awards.

6. Project Attributions
Due Date: October 27, 23:59 EDT

All of the work done in your project must be attributed correctly on your team's Attributions page. You must clearly state the work that was done by the students on your team and note any work that was done by people outside of your team.

7. Safety Forms
Preliminary: June 26, 23:59 EDT
Final: September 11, 23:59 EDT

All of the work done in your project must be attributed correctly on your team's Attributions page. You must clearly state the work that was done by the students on your team and note any work that was done by people outside of your team.

8. Registry Part Pages
Preliminary: October 27, 23:59 EDT

Teams must create and document Part pages on the Registry for the Parts they make. While your Team Wiki exists to document your entire project, the Registry Part Page(s) exist to specifically document your new part(s). These pages should be very detailed.

9. Project Description
Preliminary: October 27, 23:59 EDT

Teams are asked to document how and why you chose your iGEM project, and in a few sentences describe how you will achieve your goal(s) on your team wiki.

10. Title and Abstract *
Preliminary: October 9, 23:59 EDT

Each team is expected to submit a title and abstract for their project. The title and abstract should accurately reflect the work you completed in your team project and the abstract should provide a brief summary of your project.

11. Track Selection *
Preliminary: October 2, 23:59 EDT

Each team needs to decide which Track they will compete in at the Giant Jamboree. The purpose of the iGEM tracks is to help teams focus their projects. Teams will select two tracks at the start of the season to declare their interests and will ultimately select one track prior to the Giant Jamboree. This year, iGEM has 12 tracks to choose from. For the list of the 2020 iGEM Tracks, click below.


All teams must fulfill Deliverable #5 Judging Form to be eligible for medals and awards.

All teams must fulfill Deliverable #7 Safety Forms to compete as an iGEM team, regardless of the medals or awards you are hoping to compete for during the Giant Jamboree. Failure to complete Deliverable #7 Safety Forms will result in your team's disqualification from the competition.

Other Information

About Tracks

**Move join a team to the teams hub**

What's new for 2020?

We have created this sub-hub to help teams track what is new in the 2020 Competition.

Distribution Kit

Due to the pandemic, we are unable to ship out distribution kits this year. For more details, click below.

Quick Links

  • Competition Calendar
  • Judging
  • Safety
  • Resources
  • Sponsors
  • Giant Jamboree